Instructions: please write an essay of no less than two/ no more than three double-spaced and typed pages (font Times New Roman, size 12) on the following question attached in the files.

Instructions: please write an essay of no less than two/ no more than three double-spaced and typed pages (font Times New Roman, size 12) on the following question.

A recurring theme of this course has been the failure of Habsburg policies in the 16th and 17th centuries in the colonies – or, if not failure, of outcomes to Spanish policy that varied greatly from the Crown’s original intentions.

a) Indicate three such important failures – i.e., areas of colonial life that the Crown sought to regulate and control but that ended up developing in directions quite different from those that the Crown had intended.

b) For each area, briefly explain why Habsburg policy failed – i.e., discuss the principal factors that prevented the Crown from achieving its goals

c) Finally, briefly indicate, for each area, what action, if any, the new (post-1700) Bourbon monarchy took to correct those failures.