n Unit V, your assignment was to begin writing the first part of the final research paper. This required students to submit the first several pages of their project: APA title page,APA abstract,intro

Youth and Community Policing

Hattie Hill

Columbia Southern University

Police and Community Relations

Professor Jamie Gauthier

December 8, 2020


The implementation of society–oriented exercise has a central locus of American policing. Advocates of this program propose that collaboration between custodians, society members, and service powers can extend the benefit of the youth in the community. Depending on Census, Uniform Crime Report, and Law Enforcement Executive plus Administrative Statistic fact, the prevailing research intends to disclose the cooperation between city guarding exercise and capture of youths for drastic transgressions. Verdicts submit that the connection between intense crime tribunals and implementation of COP policies is comparatively the volume of the power and the investigated age society (McCandless, 2018). These impacts are inversely correlated to violent outrage suppression among juveniles and young individuals in large jurisdictions, suggesting the implementation of COP strategies is fruitful in minimizing intensity in the capital environment. Policy assumptions and ultimate objectives for the study are expressed based on these impacts.


The application of alliance-positioned practices and partnership between law enforcers and city affiliates can restore the welfare of weak outfits like the juvenility. However, the youths usually are viewed as the scapegoats rather than the assets under this approach. Due to the interest in the scope and solemnity of annoying among the young adults and their elevated possibility of coming in touch with the police, there is a call to evaluate the reliability of community policing in reducing harsh offenses committed by juniors and youths (Beck, 2019). Although there has been general research on community policing, a lot persists unknown regarding the consequences of these policies on the specific age group. While existent literature has mainly concentrated on overall offense rates, most of these researches have neglected the possible impact of community-oriented controlling outrage amongst the youths.

Literature Review

Deliberate Indifference and its Impact

Deliberate indifference is the intelligent or wild disregard of the impacts of police operations and community-oriented policy. It includes something than carelessness, but it is settled by less than deeds or imperfections to cause abuse to youths with or without a clue that the harm will rise. It occurs in courts when the guards know of and overlooks an extreme danger to the safety or health of young individuals. Deliberate indifference can lead to disrespect between police officers and the youths. Individuals who feel neglected by police have low esteem for these officers (Leroux et al., 2017). Also, deliberate indifference can result in an unfair determination of cases, thus creating hatred between the guards and the youths. Besides, police who deliberately neglects teens in a community brings a breach of human rights and as well as distrust. Moreover, deliberate indifference can lead to the abuse or unjust detention of youths.

Psychological Ramification

Police actions can create psychological issues in the community when they overlook the youth Negative policemen lawsuits can lead to aspirations for vendetta among the youth in society. Vengeance is a passion for justice. Young adults who feel slighted by the police may see revenge as the solution to unfair treatment. However, revenge doesn't relieve emotional pain, but it makes it last even longer and continues feelings being guilty. Security officer`s unjust treatment of the teens and juveniles creates fears and tension in the city (Brunson et al., 2018). Youths who are neglected by law and order officers may feel unacceptable in the community. They also may seem unconscious when dealing with such issues and see that everything is against them, thus creating emotional feelings like stress. Perhaps youths who face harsh police actions may fear that they are insecure, that may make them to experience anxiety disorders. Unethical actions of security officers can lead to anger and shame in the community.


Youth and Community policing are essential in the lives of every individual. It gives citizens more command over the quality of their life in society. Community policing indicates police are or become part of the group, and this helps them to get a better understanding of the inhabitants' needs. Security officers also guide the youth in communities to develop a great perception of the importance of policy (Rukus et al., 2018). However, due to the likelihood of deliberate indifference as a result of police and youth relationship, some approaches should be improved to enhance justice and trust. It can be by forming society immersions, be more aware of cultural and background differences, as well as using more transactional design dialogue, and keen listening.


Beck, B. (2019). No City for Young Boys: “The Hate U Give,” “When They See Us” and African American Youth. Multicultural Perspectives, 21(4), 202–205.

Brunson, R. K., & Pegram, K. (2018). “Kids Do Not so Much Make Trouble, They Are Trouble”: Police-Youth Relations. Future of Children, 28(1), 83–102.

Leroux, E. J., & McShane, K. (2017). Changing youth attitudes toward the police through community policing programming. Journal of Community Psychology, 45(6), 810-822.

McCandless, S. (2018). LGBT homeless youth and policing. Public Integrity, 20(6), 558-570.

Rukus, J., Warner, M. E., & Zhang, X. (2018). Community policing: Least effective where need is greatest. Crime & Delinquency, 64(14), 1858-1881.