Instructions in attached file

Part 1 LEP (To be completed in Unit 3)

CHS199 – Practicum I

CHS199 Practicum 1

  1. Title of the Lesson: Fairness

  1. Number of Children in Group:6

  1. Children’s Age Group:4-year-olds

  1. Length of Lesson:25 minutes

  1. Early Learning Standards (three standards)

Early Learning Standard #1

Domain: Language and Literacy

Strand: D: Early learning experiences will support children to gain book appreciation and knowledge

Learning Progression: Understanding of Stories or Information

Indicator: L.60.14 Use connections between self and character, experience and

emotions to increase comprehension

Source: Connecticut Early Learning and Development Standards: What children, birth to five, should know and be able to do

Learning Standard # 2

Domain: Language and Literacy

Strand: B: Early learning experiences will support children to use language (expressive


Learning Progression: Vocabulary

Indicator: L.60.5 Use more complex words learned through books and personal


Source: Connecticut Early Learning and Development Standards: What children, birth to five, should know and be able to do

Early Learning Standard # 3

Domain: Creative Arts

Strand: A: Early learning experiences will support children to engage in and enjoy the arts

Learning Progression: Visual Arts

Indicator: CA.60.5. Use a variety of tools and materials to represent ideas through the visual arts

Source: Connecticut Early Learning and Development Standards: What children, birth to five, should know and be able to do

  1. Key Objectives (three objectives)

Objective #1

  1. The children will take part in a storytelling session and give their replies to a story about fairness.

  2. The children will learn and exercise new vocabulary captured in the story.

  3. The children will make cutouts of boys and girls and shade them using different colors of crayons.

  1. Materials Needed:

  • Book: All are welcome by Penfold.

  • A2 size papers

  • Children’s scissors

  • Crayons

  • Glue sticks

  • Pencil

  • Rubber

  • Pencil sharpener

  1. Vocabulary (five words)

  • Fairness

  • Friends

  • dreams

  • fear

  • welcome

PART 2 LEP (To be completed in Unit 4)

  1. Higher-Order Thinking (HOT) Questions (six questions)

Create questions that are based on all six levels of Bloom’s Taxonomy: Understanding, Remembering, Applying, Analyzing, Evaluating, Creating

Level 1 Understanding

  • Which activities make school fun for children? Do they make anyone feel welcome?

  • Do you think the children find it fun to be in school?

Level 2. Remembering

  • There are fun activities that the characters in the story take part in. Which are some of them?

  • In which environment does the story take part in?

Level 3. Applying

  • Why do the children feel welcome while at school?

  • Why do the children take different types of bread?

Level 4. Analyzing

  • Is it good for children to be treated fairly at school?

  • If you were a child at the school, which fun activity would you take part in? Would you do it with other children?

Level 5. Evaluating

  • Do you think you everyone felt welcome at the school? If anyone did not feel welcome at the school, which fun activity would they take part in to feel more welcome?

  • Do you think it was fair for children to eat different types of bread?

  • Is the school fair to all children?

Level 6. Creating

  • How would the story be if there was one child who did not feel happy to be in school?

  • If you were to sing a song about the school, which words would you make sure to use?

  • How would the story be if nobody felt happy to be in school?

  1. Instructional Procedure

  1. Introduction and Story Reading

  • While putting into consideration something that is visually considerable in the story, such as some pictures of boys and girls playing together or some dolls and a ball, or anything interesting and related to the story, draw the attention of the children. Use the objects to link the children to the story. One should introduce the theme of fairness with questions such as how does it feel to be a member of a school where everyone is treated equally, among others. Ask the children about their experiences as they were joining the school and how they felt in the crowd. Were they happy about how they were treated? Is there anything that could have been done for them to make them feel any better?

  • Hold the book up for the class to see. Tell them about the book pointing at the name of the book and its author while simultaneously saying it out loud.

  • Emphasize the vocabulary words as you come across them during your reading.

  • Ask the High Order Questions as you progress through the lesson.

  1. Related Activity

  • Make the children have something to look forward to, such as the chance to make the cutouts of boys and girls.

  • Bring the children nearer, for example, around a table, and show them the materials that you have prepared for the lesson.

  • Show them the pictures that are included in the book, emphasizing their different parts and postures as the children undertake different activities.

  • Share out the different materials among the students fairly and tell them to begin working on their creations. Make sure to emphasize correct material handling to prevent accidents. The pieces of equipment that the students receive should be matching with their handedness.

  • Make positive complements to the students, using the vocabulary learned in between.

  • Encourage the children to help each other as they continue with their work. Those who are good at handling scissors should help others out or teach them how to do it.

  • Provide samples for the students to refer to in case they are stuck.

  • The activities in the process that prove to be troublesome to most of the students should be performed in a step by step manner in front of the class.

  1. Closing

  • Request the children to bring their creations at one table and pretend that they are in the school in the book. Let them stick them on one table, forming a large playground for them. Leave the set up in the same position for a couple of days without disrupting them.

  1. Home-School Connection 
    Take a photograph of the virtual field with the students’ creations. Upload the picture to the parents on the class website or printing it for the guardians. Include a description of the activities of the day and some detailed content about the book. Request the families to motivate their children to tell them about the story and what they experienced while undertaking the activities that followed. Let them describe how they progressed in their creations until they came up with their wonderful creations.

  1. Modifications 

To adjust the lesson for a student who has autism, I will put the following into consideration.

  • Place the child where they are most comfortable in terms of seating arrangement.

  • Speak clearly using words that the student is conversant with.

  • Be there physically for them to provide any assistance that they may need.

  • Pair the child with a student who is capable of helping them cut out and paint their cutouts.

  1. Assessment

Assessment chart for the Cutouts LEP

Student’s Name

As attentive to the story about fairness and responded

Practiced new vocabulary

Created own boy and girl



He helped the classmate who was suffering from autism


He had the most experience in using scissors. He helped his partner and taught the rest of the students who did not know how to do it


He is the student who is suffering from autism. He was excellent in his work for his condition. He colored the paintings perfectly.


He told the story of his first day at school. It was not very good for him, although he likes it that way.


Not observed

He was suffering a headache, but he tried his best.


He made a paragraph using all the vocabulary words in just three sentences. He was also very creative in his work.


Cooperating Teacher Signature/Date____________________________________________________________

Student Signature/Date_____________________________________________________


Penfold, A. (2018) All are welcome.

Connecticut Early Learning and Development Standards. (2014) What children, birth to five,

should know and be able to do. Retrieved from

Meisels, S. (Nd) Illinois Early Learning Standards. Illinois State Board of Education. Retrieved from