a) At a meeting of the Lazy Dayz health and safety committee, a health and safety representative raises the issue of manual handling. The health and safety rep is particularly concerned about task

Assessment Marking Criteria


Student Name

Student Number

Unit Code/s & Name/s

HLTINF001 Comply with infection prevention and control policies and procedures

HLTWHS002 Follow safe practices for direct client care

Assessment Type


Assessment Name

Workplace simulated scenario

Assessment Task No.


Assessment Due Date

Date submitted

Assessor Feedback:

Attempt 1

Satisfactory ☐

Unsatisfactory ☐


/ /

Assessor Name

Assessor Signature

Student provided with feedback and reassessment arrangements (check box when completed)

Date scheduled for reassessment

/ /

Attempt 2

Satisfactory ☐

Unsatisfactory ☐


/ /

Assessor Name

Assessor Signature

Note to assessor: Please record below any reasonable adjustment that has occurred during this assessment e.g. written assessment given orally.

Assessment criteria / benchmarks

The evidence submitted demonstrates that the student satisfactorily:

Attempt 1

Attempt 2









  1. Provides written evidence that demonstrates understanding of organisational infection prevention and control and WHS policies and procedures

  1. Provides written evidence that demonstrates understanding of personal protective equipment, including transmission based precautions

  1. Provides written evidence that demonstrates understanding of appropriate hand hygiene and hand care

  1. Provides written evidence that demonstrates understanding of safe clinical waste handling and disposal

  1. Provides written evidence that demonstrates understanding of clean and contaminated zones

  1. Provides written evidence that demonstrates understanding of limit contamination

  1. Provides written evidence that demonstrates understanding of surface cleaning

  1. Demonstrates understanding of hazards and risk assessments (completion of risk assessment)

  1. Demonstrates understanding of workplace safety procedures in relation to hazardous manual tasks

  1. Demonstrates understanding of workplace safety procedures in relation to the reporting of incidents

  1. Demonstrates understanding of workplace procedure for emergency situations

  1. Identifies the legislation that supports safe work practice

  1. Explains the 4 key principles of WHS

  1. Clearly explains ‘Duty of Care’ and provides 3 examples of how safety is improved by organisational compliance

  1. Provides a clear explanation of the role of the enrolled nurse in minimising the risk of manual handling

  1. Provides an outline of musculoskeletal A&P and clearly identifies 4 ways in which staff risk is minimised during the process of manual handling

  1. Identifies the link between infection prevention and control, and compliance with WHS legislation

  1. Correctly identifies modes of transmission of infection in the workplace, practices that minimise infection risks, and provides an example of one common source of infection in a healthcare setting.

  1. Correctly identifies the common symbols

  1. Correctly identifies WHS legislation that the health professional must comply with

  1. Correctly identifies the difference between a policy and procedure

  1. Provides 3 examples of how procedures maintain workers safety

  1. Provides an accurate description of a hazard, risk, risk assessment and hierarchy of control

  1. Completes the risk assessment form identifying risks associated with moving and handling non-weight bearing clients

  1. Provides an accurate description of the enrolled nurses role in reporting accidents/incidents

  1. Identifies 2 ways in which WHS issues may be raised in a workplace

  1. Provides a definition of fatigue

  1. Provides 3 examples of early signs of fatigue

  1. Accurately identifies other professionals within the workplace that can assist a staff member who is suffering from fatigue. Discusses how debriefing can reduce stress levels in the workplace

  1. Provides examples of 5 possible emergencies in the workplace Minimum 50 words

  1. Chooses 2 examples from 7a and clearly identifies the roles and responsibilities of the enrolled nurse in each emergency.

  1. Clearly identifies the WHS responsibilities of both staff and client in a home environment

  1. Identifies relevant smoke alarm legislation in Queensland.

  1. Provides examples of how an enrolled nurse would obtain local information about installation and maintenance of a smoke alarm

  1. Provides details of behaviours that contribute to fires in the home environment.

  1. Accurately identifies ways in which transmission of infection can be reduced in a home environment.

  1. Identifies possible manual handling risks specific to the care of a client in their home

38 Applies strategies to both nurse and client to minimise the risk of manual handling injury in the home environment

  1. Identifies strategies to maintain a healthy muscoskeletal system when caring for a client in a home environment.

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