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Assignment 1

Weight: 5%
Minimum Pass Grade: 50%

Each question is worth 10 marks.

  1. Maintenance of calcium ion homeostasis is critical to neurological, cardiac and skeletal muscle function. Consider the roles of two hormones involved in the regulation of the concentration of calcium ions in the blood. Parathyroid hormone increases the concentration of calcium ions in the blood, while calcitonin decreases the concentration. Based on this information predict the body’s response to restore calcium balance if a person swallowed 100 antacid tablets made of a calcium compound in 10 minutes. Include in your answer the definition of homeostasis, the type of feedback loop involved and all of the components of a feedback loop.

  1. Provide one important example (in the human body) of each of the following:

  1. a single molecule containing ionic bonds

  1. a single molecule containing covalent bonds

  1. a single molecule containing hydrogen bonds

What is the function of each of these three molecules you have identified in the human body? Explain why each of these three molecules must have its specific types of bonds in order to perform that molecule’s function.

  1. Define mitosis and meiosis, and describe the differences between these two processes.

  1. List the skin glands and write details about their functions. What would be the consequences if a person’s skin glands stopped functioning?

  1. Describe how the structures of the epidermis allow it to provide immediate and indirect protection to underlying tissues.

  1. Fill in the words or phrases that best complete each of the following sentences.

  1. Functions of the skeletal system include support, protection, assisting in movement, _____ homeostasis, _____ production and triglyceride storage.

  2. The hollow space inside of long bones that is lined with _____ and filled with yellow marrow is the _____.

  3. The protein that provides flexibility and _____ strength to bone is _____.

  4. _____ bone tissue is organized into concentric rings of bone tissue, which are called osteons or _____.

  5. _____ accompany blood vessels within bone tissue; the periosteum is enriched with _____ neurons.

  6. Ossification may also be called _____; in an embryo, it begins with the organization of _____ tissue into the general shape of bones.

  7. _____ ossification occurs between _____ connective tissue sheet-like layers that resemble membranes.

  8. Activity of the epiphyseal plate causes the _____ region of a bone to grow in _____.

  9. _____, IGFs, insulin and T3/T4 are the primary stimulators of bone growth before _____.

  10. _____ is the hormone that _____ the effects of parathyroid hormone.

  1. Match the items in column A with the descriptions in column B to create the BEST MATCHES.

Items in column A can be used more than once when making matches to column B. However, there is only one correct answer for each blank space.

Column A

Column B

  1. articular cartilage

  2. diaphysis

  3. endosteum

  4. epiphyses

  5. periosteum

  6. canaliculi

  7. lacunae

  8. lamellae

  9. osteons

  10. trabeculae

  11. calcification

  12. development of cartilage model

  13. development of ossification center

  14. development of periosteum

  15. osteoblast

  16. intramembranous ossification

  17. osteoclast

  18. zone of hypertrophic cartilage

  19. zone of proliferating cartilage

  20. zone of calcified cartilage

  21. calcitonin

  22. calcitriol

  23. foramen

  24. parathyroid hormone

  25. fossa

_____ raises blood Ca2+ levels by increasing osteoclast activity and blocking kidney secretion of Ca2+

_____ struts or plates within spongy bone that assist in withstanding stresses in a specific direction

_____ channels in bone matrix; allow osteocytes to communicate with each other

_____ expanded ends of a long bone

_____ occurs after development of ossification center during intramembranous bone development; occurs prior to formation of trabeculae

_____ lines the marrow cavity

_____ protects bone; assists in fracture repair

_____ a rounded passageway through a bone that permits blood vessels and/or nerves to pass

_____ shaft of a long bone

_____ process where the bone develops from mesenchyme, often forming flat bones

_____ structural units of compact bone

_____ bone cell that breaks down old bone matrix

_____ spaces in bone matrix that contain osteocytes

_____ tiny channels connecting osteocytes with the central canal of an osteon

_____ occurs when mesenchymal cells cluster and differentiate during intramembranous bone development

_____ inhibits osteoclastic activity

_____ reduces friction and absorbs shock at joints that have a wide range of motion

_____ consists of several stages, including the development of the periosteum from the highly-vascularized mesenchyme on the outside of new bone

_____ does not occur during intramembranous bone development; must arise from mesenchyme template

_____ part of a long bone that is not covered by the periosteum is covered by this structure

  1. a. Match the items in column A with the descriptions in column B to create the BEST MATCHES.

Items in column A can be used more than once when making matches to column B. However, there is only one correct answer for each blank space.

Column A

Column B

  1. pronation

  2. abduction

  3. inversion

  4. gliding

  5. depression

  6. dorsiflexion

  7. extension

  8. retraction

  9. lateral flexion

  10. circumduction

  11. plantar flexion

  12. elevation

  13. adduction

  14. hyperextension

  15. flexion

  16. medial rotation

  17. eversion

  18. protraction

  19. supination

  20. lateral rotation

  1. _____ straightening the elbow joint

  2. _____ moving the arm anteriorly

  3. _____ spreading the fingers apart

  4. _____ opening the jaw

  5. _____ bending the ankle joint so that the foot moves downward

  6. _____ moving a thigh straight toward the other thigh

  7. _____ bending the wrist joint so that the hand moves posteriorly

  8. _____ bending the head so that it moves toward the right shoulder

  9. _____ bending the knee joint

  10. _____ moving the thumb around in a circle

b. From the movements listed in column B, list the scientific names of the bones (learned in earlier chapters) that meet at each joint, i.e., where each movement occurs.

Note: The spaces below require one or two bones of a certain region. Be very specific when required.

  1. _____ articulates with _____

  2. _____ articulates with _____

  3. _____ articulates with _____

  4. _____ articulates with _____

  5. _____ articulates with _____

  6. _____ articulates with _____

  7. _____ articulates with _____

  8. _____ articulates with _____

  9. _____ articulates with _____

  10. _____ articulates with _____

  1. Compare the organization and functions of axial and appendicular skeletons, and describe in detail the girdles of the latter.

  1. Match the items in column A with descriptions in column B to create the BEST MATCHES.

Items in column A can be used only once when making matches to column B. There is only one correct answer for each blank space.

Column A

Column B

  1. contractility

  2. elasticity

  3. electrical excitability

  4. extensibility

  5. thermogenesis

  6. endomysium

  7. epimysium

  8. fascicles

  9. perimysium

  10. tendon

  11. myoblasts

  12. myofibers

  13. sarcolemma

  14. sarcoplasm

  15. sarcoplasmic reticulum

  16. A band

  17. H zone

  18. I band

  19. M line

  20. Z discs

  21. actin

  22. myosin

  23. titin

  24. troponin

  25. tropomyosin

  26. acetylcholine

  27. acetylcholinesterase

  28. Ca2+

  29. calsequestrin

  30. Na+

  31. myogram

  32. relaxation period

  33. twitch contraction

  34. contraction period

  35. wave summation

_____ property allowing muscle tissue to return to its original shape after contraction

_____ modified smooth endoplasmic reticulum of muscle cell; stores Ca2+

_____ function of muscle; heat generation

_____ period of contraction when most of the smooth and sustained movements is performed by the skeletal muscle

_____ property allowing muscle to shorten forcefully when stimulated by an action potential

_____ molecule needed for maximum storage of Ca2+ in sarcoplasmic reticulum

_____ formed by fusion of connective tissues; joins muscles to bones

_____ regulatory protein associated with thin filament; binds Ca2+

_____ bundles of muscle fibers

_____ embryonic cells; fuse to form muscle cells

_____ region where thick and thin filaments overlap each other

_____ connective tissue around one bundle of muscle fibers

_____ sites delineating ends of sarcomeres

_____ structural protein; anchors thick filament to M line and Z disc

_____ site where support proteins hold thick filaments together

_____ contractile protein found in thin filament

_____ enzyme that removes neurotransmitter from synaptic cleft; helps muscle relax

_____ phenomenon in which successive stimulations cause stronger contractions

_____ ion that enters muscle fiber, causing depolarization and allowing muscle action potential to propagate

_____ contraction of a single muscle following a single stimulation

Assignment 1 :: Biology 235: Human Anatomy and Physiology 6