Midterm exam

History 2510 Mid - term Exam 1) Identifications – Answer only four of the following. Be sure to address the what, who, how, when, and where. For full credit you must tell me why this is significant. 5 points each, total of 20 points. Triangle Trade Jonathan Winthrop “Hiving Out” Bacon’s Rebellion Northwest Ordinance (1787) Shay’s Rebellion Anglicanization republican ideology Indentured servitude Half - way covenant Stamp Act Great Awakening Boston Mass acre Stono Rebellion XYZ Affair Alien and Sedition Acts Louisiana Purchase Salem Witchcraft Trials 2) Essay Part I – Answer only one of the following. Be sure to construct an essay that addresses the selected question fully. Be sure to use spec ific examples as evidence that supports your argument. 40 points . a. The framework for the first part of the course has been the “convergence model.” Explain what this is, then using specific examples ; describe how the various colonies were different from each other at their early stages and how they became similar by the last half of the 18 th Century. Be sure to consider Anglicanization and Americanization. Finally, why was it important that they became similar? b. In 1754, colonial delegates to the Alban y Congress refused to consider a plan to unite the colonies. Yet, by 1776 they were prepared to rebel against the English. Discuss the events that occurred during those twenty years that resulted in this shift. Pay attention to and cite specific British policies and Colonial responses. c. The first effort at converting “republican ideology” into a real government resulted in the Articles of Confederation. What were the strengths/weaknesses of this government?

Why did the Founders create this type of gove rnment? After only a decade America’s leaders replaced the Articles with the Federal Constitution. Why and how was it different from the Articles? 3) Essay Part II – You must answer the following essay. Be sure to construct an essay that addresses the q uestion fully. Be sure to use specific examples as evidence that supports your argument. 40 points. Almost immediately after the new Federal Constitution went into effect, those supporting it split between Thomas Jefferson (Democratic - Republicans) and A lexander Hamilton (Federalists). Using the policies, programs, ideas and vision of each group, please prepare an essay that compares and contrasts the direction that each wanted to country to take. Pay specific attention to the economic, constitutional a nd foreign policy ideas of each, as well as which groups of people would benefit from the outcome of these policies In the end, why do you think this conflict was important and what impact did it have on the nation’s development?