I need to answer to 2 peers.

1-1 Discussion: Getting Started

In your initial post, introduce yourself: your name and what you prefer to be called, where you are from, and share anything you know about yourself as a learner, including your major field of study and your current occupation.

Then discuss what you think a historian's job is, what skills a historian needs to do that job, and how those skills might be applicable to your career and/or major goals.

In your response to peers, consider their response. Are the skills your peer posted similar or different from the skills you listed?

A little about me, I am pursuing accounting degree.

1st Peer

My name is­­­­­­­ Lauren. I've moved around quite a bit the last couple years, but I just recently decided to move back to New Hampshire and stay a while. I'm in the computer science program here at SNHU, and so far, I really enjoy it. I used to dance professionally, and now I teach full time, which I love. As a learner, I'm very independent and obsessive. When I become interested in a subject, I have trouble thinking about anything else. I like to work by myself and prefer to move at my own pace. I'm also a very visual learner, and this compels me to organize my notes, bullet journal, and make other visual representations of information to study more efficiently.

The material from this week was super interesting. I think that a historian's job is to inform those in the present about how things got to be the way that they are and aid in contemporary problems. In order to do that job, historians need to be very conscious of their biases and detail oriented. Studying large amounts of primary sources must be incredibly tedious in a way.

In computer science, that same detail-oriented quality in necessary. However, personally I hope to gain perspective through studying history and developing some of the qualities that historians have.

2nd Peer

Hello! My name is Frances. People tend to call me any name that includes Fran in it. I don't mind! I am from Pennsylvania but I currently live in Cleveland, Ohio. I am more of a traditional learner. I really enjoy being in the classroom. I believe I learn better with in-person interaction. I am usually constantly on the go, but due to the pandemic, I thought to try 100% online courses. I am currently working on my BBA and hopefully move onto my MBA.

I believe a historian's job is to translate as much as the past as accurately as possible. They give us the resources to learn of past mistakes and triumphs. I think to be a historian, you have to be somewhat unbias in what write after all that has been researched. It is important to stick to the facts of the past so we can understand the groundwork that was laid for the present and the future. I think this is a skill for any profession. It is important to look at past and present situations in whole to understand what is the best move for your next move.