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Assignment 1(word frequency)

Part 1

Read in a standard text file (.txt) with one word per line (see the example test data files below). Process the file keeping the word and the number of times the word occurs in the document. It is up to you to decide the appropriate data structure(s) and algorithm(s) to implement as part of the application. You can use any combination of the data structures, abstract data types, and algorithms from class this semester.

Data Structures & ADT: Array, Queue (normal, circular, and priority), Stack, Link List (Single, Double, N, Circular)

Algorithms: Sorting (Bubble, Insertion, Selection, Merge, Quick), Searching (Sequential, Binary)

Do not use any of the built-in .Net Framework equivalents ADTs (ex: Queue). If you are not sure, ask first!

Also, display a count of the total number of words in the document. You should output the list of words in alphabetical order and their frequency in a listbox in the format described below.

Assume that cat appears in the file 13 times, and dog 12. The output would be as follows.

cat [13]

dog [12]

Total words in the file = 25

Do not consider words case-sensitive: Dog, DOG, and dog are the same word.

Do consider plurals and special characters: time, times, and half-time are all different words. However, you can strip off standard punctuation such as . , ; : etc.

Place a textbox on the form which allows the user to search for a word in the list. When a button is clicked, the program will search the current word list for the word the user entered. If the word is found, the program will display the word and word count in a messagebox. If the word is not found, the program will state that the word does not exist using a messagebox.

Part 2

Make sure that you have submitted Part I prior to starting on Part II.

In Part II, the data file format has changed. There can now be more than one word per line in the file (see the example test data files below). The output of the application has not changed.

Hint: Use Split to split a line into words.

Upload your solution to the Final Exam assignment in Canvas prior to starting on Part III

Assignment 2

the program should implement a Bubble Sort for an array of integers with a simple Swap Check. You can use the VS solution file from the videos as a base to write your program. No need to reinvent the entire thing. Make the Bubble Sort Swap Check a new class. There are several excellent tutorials on the internet on how to make this change.

Someone asked about data for this assignment. The easiest way to create data is to let the user enter n (array size) and max value. The app can then generate n values between 0 and max value.

Assignment 3

Implement a two-player version of the War card game using stacks as appropriate. Review the Solitaire video demo as a good starting point, although some changes will be required.

  • highest card wins

  • an ace is higher than a king

  • in case of ties, lay down three cards, then a fourth card decides who wins all cards

  • when you run out of cards in your face-down pile, shuffle the win pile and continue playing

  • to verify the game is working correctly, you can display all the player's cards, as well as their winning pile in the UI


The game can be easily implemented using six stacks:

  • One for each player (2 total) for the face-down cards. This is the pile you will flip cards from.

  • One for each player (2 total) for the cards that are currently flipped over. These are the cards that are currently being played.

  • One for each player (2 total) for the cards the player has won.

Assignment 4

Build a circular linked list of words. The user interface should contain the following items:

  • a textbox (and corresponding label) where the user can enter words

  • a listbox to display the entire circular link list

  • a button to add the word in the textbox to the link list as the first word in the list

  • a button to delete the word in the textbox (if found) from the link list

  • a button to advance the pointer one node in the circular link list

  • any time one of the three buttons is clicked, the entire circular link list should be displayed in the listbox

General Design Overview

For any problem, there can be many possible solutions. Below is one possible solution. Important skills to develop are to not overcomplicate or overthink problems, and to break down what may appear to be a complex problem into a series of small bite-size pieces.

Add a word

  1. The trick here will be to update the pointer in the last node. I might suggest a second pointer that always points to the last node to make this easier.

Delete a word

  1. A pair of chasing pointers will make this fairly easy.

  2. Don't forget to check for special cases where the first or last node is being deleted


  1. This is just like moving top in the slideshow. If you also have a pointer to the last node, don't forget it.


  1. The trick here is to know when you have displayed them all and not just going round and round. There are a couple of ways to do this.

    1. Make sure you stop when you are back at the first node again when there are more than two nodes

    2. Keep a count of how many nodes are in the circular link list, and only displaying that many. The count is part of the link list and not part of the node. It increases by one for a successful add. It decreases by one for a successful delete.