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Cuban Revolution Assumptions: United States vs. Fidel Castro Speech

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Cuban Revolution Assumptions: the United States vs. Fidel Castro Speech


U.S Assumption regarding Cuban Revolution

After Fidel Castro overthrows Batista in 1959 a leader aligned with American interest, Castro assumed military and political power. Castro converted Cuba to socialist states under the communist party rule. American held three assumptions of the Cuban Revolution. First, the United States view Castro as determine to enslave Cuban people with communism and socialism something United States view a serious threat to U.S security. The growth of communism could threaten the bourgeois culture. Therefore, view Castro as a key agent to the growth of communism and that why the U.S was obsessed with overthrowing Castro. The American attempt to overthrow Castro and create internal revolt includes Bay of Pig and Operation Mongoose.

The operation mongoose focused on creating strategies of turning Castro against Cuban by interfering with a new transmission. The American planned to tarnish Castro Name through Tv intrusion. The United States was to install equipment that could disrupt Castrol; speech and parade demonstration by sharing message that could tarnish or paint him in the bad limelight. U.S assumed that once people are dissatisfied with Castro leadership they will revolt and through that they will overthrows the communist regime. United States will as well institute economic and transportation sabotage to ensure Cuban people could blame Castro for the economic challenges and through that they will unite to overthrow him.

Through that they will institute a government which will be friendly to United States. The United States further planned on how to support the Cuban people that would revolt against Castro regime by providing military support. Furthermore, United State assumed that it had sympathetic support of the majority of the Cuban people therefore they will use that for their advantage to disrupt Castro rule. Furthermore, United States assumed that Cuban were not supporting Castro regime and were turning to apathetic to hopeless future. Lastly, the united States assume Castro was dictator that was going to enslave people and they supported the former prime minister even though Batista was dictator

Fide Catro Speech on Cuban Revolution

Fidel Castro speech painted a difference picture of Cuban Revolution as compared to what the United State propagated with their mission Bay Pig and Mongoose. Castro painted United States as imperialism powers that disputing peace of it neighboring countries and imposing their beliefs. Castro argues that those people that die during revolution died for good cause as they were fighting against the imperialism because if they were not there then the peace people are enjoying today could not be there. The blood shed according to Castro was the blood of the exploited for the sake of the people of today. The patriot that died in the war between American and Cuban did that involuntary as sign of defending revolution.

The peasants were fighting not to lose their land; Negro who did not want to feel discriminated. Castro perceive all the patriotic that voluntarily fight for freedom were peasant that owned no land, sugarcane plantation and they live from the sweats of themselves. Castro perceive American as imperialist that fought to protect the interest of the monopolies and there shareholders that sit and wait for money from hand working Cuban. The Cubans people fighting against Castro regimes were those Cuban who possessed large track of land, sugar plantation, people who never worked as cane cutter. Castro claimed that there is no justification for people to say they are fighting for free enterprise.

This is because free enterprises represented slums, unemployment and beginning. United State claimed that they came to protect the Cuban 1940 constitution sentiment that seem contrary to what motivated Castro revolution. According to Castro the 1940 constitution was outdated and some section of the law that was supposed to protect Cuban was not enforced. United States claimed that constitution promote peaceful transition of power but Castro responded by claiming that election never serve interest of local and poor. Castro assumed that election only led to electing corrupt politicians, the rich, and the big landholder

Castro in his speech branded United States a country planning to instill anarchy in Cuba. Castro said that imperialism men were sending in Cuban to disrupt revolution and destroy Cuban achievement by burning cane. United States masterminded the attack of Cuban airport using the planes that were branded with Cuban air force logo and use the incidence to justify their interest in Cuban political interest. United States claimed that Castro promote dictatorial rule and could create anarchy in Cuba but on the contrary the assumption seem to portray United States as the main culprit that advocate for anarchy. They planned how to bomb and deceive the world that Castro administration was the one committing such atrocities. This reveals that imperialist are capable of committing wrong doing and getting away by covering their action with lies using their own media.

Similarities between U.S Assumptions and Fidel Catro speech on Cuban Revolution


QUESTIONS: What are the assumptions of the United States regarding the Cuban revolution behind the CIA’s “Program Review” (1961) and the “Memorandum” (1961)? How are those assumptions different from/similar to the picture of revolutionary Cuba presented by Fidel Castro in his speech?