Prepare this assignment as a 1,500-1,750 word paper using the instructor feedback from the previous course assignments and the guidelines below. PICOT Question Revise the PICOT question you wrote in


COPD research critique







COPD research critique

COPD is the initial for "Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease," which reduces the amount of air that flows into one's lungs. The condition's primary symptoms include; wheezing, difficulty breathing, coughing, and producing sputum or mucus. The common cause of the disease includes; prolonged exposure to particulate matter or irritating gases. The at-risk people include; those with lung cancer, heart disease, and smokers. Additionally, other conditions that may contribute to this disease include; bronchitis and emphysema. Zhao, Q et al. (2020). This research critique paper will be focusing on the research articles authored by Hodson 2016 and Badges 2014. The researchers aimed at addressing COPD conditions, their causes, and how to control them. This critique will comprehensively analyze these articles, the background to the study, support the nursing practice, study methods, results, and comparison of these results.

The background

The research by Hodson, (2016), begins by attempting to study issues of malnutrition and poor eating habits among COPD patients. Due to malnutrition, patients do not obtain the right care; additionally, the nurses should develop and implement food timetables for their patients. However, nutrition is not the only factor affecting COPD patients but also their environmental, psychological, and social behavior. Most COPD patients experience a nutrition problem; therefore, they should regally visit medical experts for assessments and checkups. Although this condition is incurable, it can be controlled when diagnosed earlier; therefore, improving the quality of care and well-being. Therefore the problem is how COPD patients' needs can be addressed through early diagnosis and intervention mechanisms. In the nursing practice, this article is essential in fulfilling the need for holistic, comprehensive, and consistent care. The nurses and other healthcare officials should be educated about measures and processes they may use in diagnosing and controlling COPD through appropriate nutrition and dietary requirements. There were two research questions; "What are the consequences of malnutrition? What is the cost of malnutrition? How can malnutrition be managed?"

According to the article by Bades, (2014), COPD is an incurable, deliberating, and progressive disease that can be easily managed when diagnosed at its early stages. However, due to misdiagnosis and impacts, most patients end up suffering emotionally, socially, and financially due to the illness, which reduces the quality of life. To improve one COPD patient's health, it is essential to establish appropriate sensitization and educational mechanisms. The research question was "what are ways to diagnose COPD symptoms?" the research objective was understanding the role of community nurses in diagnosing and developing management options for COPD patients. The research question was, "What are the symptoms of COPD? How can one make sure that COPD is identified earlier?"

The research supporting nursing practice

The article by Hodson, (2016), will answer the PICOT question of how community nurses can be actively involved in actively assisting COPD patients in diagnoses and developing a nutrition strategy. Therefore, when COPD patients are appropriately fed, they are likely to achieve well-being and live better lives without suffering. Therefore nurses are involved in designing types of meals that patients will take. The problem is that most patients fear that they may become overweight or obese; however, it is the nurse's duty to sensitize them on the potential disadvantages of not taking healthy meals. Additionally, nurses should be involved in selecting appropriate oral nutritional supplements that provide minerals, protein, vitamins, and energy to COPD patients.

While the article by Bades, (2014), seeks to answer the PICOT question of how community nurses can be actively involved in the management and designing treatment methods for COPD patients, additionally, healthcare professionals should be involved in the identification of risk factors which includes smoking, a family history of COPD, passive smoking together with occupation or work-related exposure when working in factories one is exposed to fumes, dust, and chemicals. BBBBB develops methods to reduce one's possibility of obtaining the infections by early diagnosing, monitoring patients, and eliminating risk factors (like work-related, active or passive smoking).

The methods of study

Hodson, (2016), applies descriptive analysis methods of study in examination and analyses of various variables throughout the research. Throughout the variable's examination, Hudson uses secondary data sources. Furthermore, the research never used samples. The research applied data directly from the British Lung Foundation, where one million and two hundred thousand UK citizens were found to have COPD. The NHS further indicated that out of that population, about 21% were suffering from malnutrition. Nissen, F, (2018). The core advantage of descriptive analyses, as applied by Hudson, was that the source of data is always peer-reviewed. Therefore details are correct, accurate, and reliable. The negative side of descriptive analyses of the method involved a few statistical tests, so the results may be biased according to the point the research wants to reveal. Sultoni, S, et al, (2018),

The second article by Bades, (2014), also used the descriptive analyses method; in summarizing and analyzing to show data patterns and results. The primary sources used were the British lung foundation and the national institute for healthcare excellence. Based on the research's findings, approximately 900,000 UK citizens were dragonized with COPD. Nissen, F, (2018). According to Sultoni, S, et al, (2018), the pro of descriptive analyses as applied by Hudson were that the data source is always peer-reviewed. Therefore details are correct, accurate, and reliable. The negative side of descriptive analyses of the method involved a few statistical tests, so the results may be biased according to the point the research wants to reveal.

The results of the study

Hodson, (2016), established that malnutrition cases for COPD patients were rampant, and nurses have an essential role in ensuring that the nutrition is managed. The nurses should develop appropriate procedures and measures to be applied to food and water intake. Another result was nurses should be involved in advising educating the COPD patients on the importance of taking proper diets and answering their questions. Nurses should also be trained to diagnose and screen COPD patients within the disease's early stages. The research is related to evidence-based and holistic care since it ensures patient's well-being is promoted. The patients are entitled to receiving the best care since they trust and believe in the nurse's intervention mechanisms.

The article by Bades, (2014), informs the reader that COPD is a progressive and debilitating incurable disease which can be managed and controlled when dragonized in the early stages. The process of eliminating COPD includes; early diagnosis, identifying risk factors that patients are exposed to like active and passive smoking, family history of COPD infection, and occupational factors (example working in smoke, fumes, and dusty areas.) the research further established that community nurses should be involved in processes of sensitizing and developing self-management plans on-behalf of the patients. The article by BBBBB is related to the nursing practice where medical practitioners should be involved in assessing, informing, and educating COPD patients on ways to manage this condition and live healthier. When these practices are adequately applied, complications and deaths relating to COPD will reduce gradually.

Ethical considerations

According to Israel, et al, (2006), some ethical considerations when developing research include; ensuring there is informed consent where autonomy and rights of subjects have to be protected. It seeks to prevent integrity and protects patient's liberty. For informed consent to be successful, subjects should be introduced to the study to describe what to expect. The second is not harming the subjects; the researcher should aim to learn about the subjects without making them suffer. The third is respecting confidentiality, where the response or analyses made throughout the research should not directly connect to any subject used throughout the research? The fourth ethical issue is the protection of vulnerable groups. Some vulnerable groups include; those with learning disabilities, the poor, dying, the mentally ill children, captive population (like students and prisoners), etc.

Throughout the two research's Bades, (2014), & Hodson, (2016), ethical guidelines have been followed in several ways; firstly is that the researchers did not publish private information of the subjects used. This promoted confidentiality and privacy. Secondly, the information published about COPD patients cannot be directly linked to any patients; therefore, the patient's autonomy is protected. The third is that the vulnerable groups are protected throughout the researches since we do not get private information about children, the poor, the captive population, etc. The researcher should not link information provided to any member of these vulnerable groups.

Outcomes comparison

The anticipated outcomes for the PICOT question from Hodson, (2016), article was how proper feeding and nutrition programs could be used in developing better lives and reducing complications and deaths related to COPD. The article answers this question by analyzing how community nurses can be actively involved in making and implementing feeding programs for COPD patients. Additionally, nurses should be ready to educate their patients on avoiding the fear that they may become obese due to feeding. Nurses should act as caregivers and counselors since the condition is not easy when a patient is diagnosed with COPD. Therefore the expected outcome and the research's outcome are equal for this research since they illustrate the nurses' role in promoting holistic and comprehensive care.

The article’s expected results by Bades, (2014), were the ways to identify and alleviate the effects of COPD condition. This process involved early diagnosis and intervention mechanisms. According to the article, COPD is an incurable disease that often leads to complications; however, its effects and symptoms can be gradually reduced when there is an early diagnosis. However, another issue is that COPD patients face; social, psychological, and physical issues. Therefore nurses ought to be directly involved in designing a plan of care for the patients. Therefore this article is related to the PICOT question of managing and identifying COPD to reduce its effects.


Bades, A. (2014). Community management of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Journal of Community Nursing, 28(3), 51–56.

Hodson, M. (2016). Integrating nutrition into pathways for patients with COPD. British Journal of Community Nursing, 21(11), 548–552.

Israel, M., & Hay, I. (2006). Research ethics for social scientists. Sage.

Nissen, F., Morales, D. R., Mullerova, H., Smeeth, L., Douglas, I. J., & Quint, J. K. (2018). Concomitant diagnosis of asthma and COPD: a quantitative study in UK primary care. British Journal of General Practice, 68(676), e775-e782.

Sultoni, S., Gunawan, I., & Ningsih, S. O. (2018, October). Descriptive Study of Efforts Integrates Character Values to Students. In 3rd International Conference on Educational Management and Administration (CoEMA 2018) (pp. 12-14). Atlantis Press.

Zhao, Q., Meng, M., Kumar, R., Wu, Y., Huang, J., Lian, N., ... & Lin, S. (2020). The impact of COPD and smoking history on the severity of COVID‐19: A systemic review and meta‐analysis. Journal of medical virology, 92(10), 1915-1921.