Prompt: After completing this week’s reading assignments (including Scriptures) and lectures, write a paper on the following topic:Review the four articles from the Ethics Toolkit (see reading assignm
Courtesy to Our Customers
The Bank is in the business of serving other people. As such, it is critically important that you treat customers and guests with the utmost courtesy, respect and responsiveness. You must be congenial and respectful. If any difficult situation arises, refer the matter immediately to your supervisor.
Harassment Policy
The Bank is committed to maintaining a work environment where employees at all levels of the Bank are able to devote their full attention and best efforts to the job. Harassment, either intentional or unintentional, has no place in the work environment. Accordingly, the Bank does not authorize and will not tolerate any form of harassment of or by any employee (i.e., supervisory or non-supervisory) based on race, sex, religion, color, national origin, age, disability, or any other factor protected by law. The term, “harassment”, for all purposes includes, but is not limited to, offensive language, jokes, or other verbal, graphic, or physical conduct relating to an employee’s race, sex, religion, color, national origin, age, disability, or other factor protected by law which would make the reasonable person experiencing such harassment uncomfortable in the work environment, or which would interfere with the person’s job performance. This policy will be posted and distributed to all employees.
Sexual Harassment. Sexual harassment includes: (a) physical assaults or physical conduct that is sexual in nature; (b) unwelcome sexual advances or comments or requests for sex or sexual activities, regardless of whether they are accompanied by promises or threats regarding an individual’s employment or advancement; (c) sexual displays or publications such as calendars, cartoons, or graffiti; (d) other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature which has the purpose or effect of interfering with an individual’s work performance, or creating an intimidating, hostile or offensive work environment; and (e) retaliation for complaints of harassment. The Bank prohibits all such conduct, regardless of whether submission to such conduct is made either explicitly or implicitly a term or condition of employment. Examples of sexual harassment include sexual innuendo, sexually oriented “kidding”, “teasing”, or “practical jokes”, foul or obscene language or gestures, displays of sexually suggestive printed or visual material, including e-mails, and physical contact, such as patting, pinching or brushing against another’s body.
Workplace Romance Between Supervisors and Subordinates.
It is the policy of United Mississippi Bank that consensual personal relationships between Bank Employees are prohibited, even if consensual. If management learns that a personal relationship exists between Bank employees, one or both employees will be disciplined up to, and including, discharge for a first offense.
Harassment Based on Age, Disability, Race, Religion, or National Origin. Sexual harassment is not the only form of harassment prohibited by the Policy. Racial, religious, national origin, age, or disability harassment is also prohibited. Such harassment includes any verbal, written or physical conduct relating to age, disability, race, religion, or national origin which would make a reasonable employee uncomfortable in the work environment or which would interfere with the employee’s ability to perform the job. Examples of such harassment include, jokes, which include references to age, disability, race, religion, or nation origin, and the display or use of objects, pictures, or language, including the sending and forwarding of e-mails, which are offensive due to a person’s race, religion, national origin, age, or disability.
Your Role. The Bank encourages you to tell a fellow employee that his/her comments or conduct is inappropriate. Employees should try to talk problems out on a person-to-person level first, but if the comments or conduct continues, or if you feel you cannot address the issue with the other person, notify the Bank. We have established a confidential notification procedure to promptly, thoroughly, and impartially investigate all reports of harassment, and to ensure that appropriate disciplinary action up and including terminations is taken if a violation of this Policy is found.
Finally, if you feel that Bank has not met its obligations under this Policy, you should contact Agnes Holloway in Human Resources. An effective No Harassment Policy depends on all of us, working together, to address this very important subject.
No Retaliation. Retaliation for notifying the Bank about harassment is strictly prohibited. Anyone attempting to retaliate, or to interfere with the investigation of a complaint of harassment will be disciplined, up to and including discharge. You are encouraged to speak up without fear of retaliation.
Notification Process. The No Harassment Policy is designed to protect you from harassment in the workplace, and to help maintain a pleasant, respectful working environment in which you can be comfortable, productive, and successful. However, the Policy only works if you use it. If you witness or experience harassment from a co-worker or visitor, report it immediately, unless you can resolve the problem simply by telling the individual to stop. Report, even if you believe the conduct has already been reported by someone else. Do not wait until it becomes severe. Do not assume management is already aware.
The Bank will investigate all reports of harassment, confidentially, promptly, thoroughly, and impartially, and will take appropriate remedial steps, including disciplinary action, if a violation of this Policy is found. The Bank will take steps to ensure that no retaliatory action is taken against you for utilizing this process.
You have several options as to how to report: you may speak to your immediate supervisor, or to another manager, or to Human Resources. Your Human Resource contact is:
Agnes Holloway, VP, Ph#: 601-445-7119 Email: [email protected]
In conducting its investigation, the Bank will disclose the nature and parties involved in the report only on a limited need-to-know basis. We will follow up with you to inform you of any corrective action deemed appropriate, and again later to ensure that any measures taken have been effective, and that you are not subject to retaliation for coming forward.