Assignment 7: Delivering a Persuasive Speech Choose one of the following scenarios as the basis for your speech. Scenario 1: Imagine that you have been invited to an upper-level management meeting at


NOTE 1: This outline is designed to help you prepare the script of your speech; you will not submit this outline. Instead, if you choose the speech script option, you will submit a script consisting of five well-developed paragraphs (one for each step in Monroe’s Motivated Sequence). You will include an APA-formatted cover page before the first page of your script and a reference page after your conclusion.

NOTE 2: You also have the option to submit an audio or video file of yourself delivering the speech, rather than writing a speech script. An APA-formatted reference page is also required.

NOTE 3: Be sure to review the assignment directions carefully.

  1. Introduction (Attention)
    1. Gain Attention:
    2. Establish Your Credibility:
    3. Central Idea:
    4. Preview Your Main Points:
  2. Body of the Presentation (Need, Satisfaction & Visualization)
    1. Need: [Exactly what is the problem with the current situation?]
      1. Supporting material: [Supporting material should include statistics, or research from credible sources. Each source must be referenced in your speech. For example you would say, "According to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics...." or "In the February 2016 issue of Forbes Magazine, Bill Gates said, '....’ Any source that you reference in your speech must appear in the reference list]
      2. Supporting material:
    2. Satisfaction: [What it will take to resolve the need?]
      1. Supporting material:
      2. Supporting material:
    3. Visualization: [What will life be like once this need is satisfied? Be very descriptive.]
      1. Supporting material:
      2. Supporting material:
  3. Conclusion (Action)
    1. Briefly Summarize Your Main Points
    2. Conclude with a Call to Action: [What do you want your audience to do NOW as a result of listening to your speech?]


[List your references here in APA style and in alphabetical order based on the author’s or authors’ last name. Notice that you will use a hanging indent for the formatting. Visit the Ashworth College Learning Resource Center or the Purdue Online Writing Lab for more specifics on creating your reference list.]