Hi, this is a group presentation based on one article and I want you to make me my part of the presentation. So, I just want to make me my part PowerPoint and speaker notes of that part. Please find t

Hi, this is group presentation and I just want you do my part in this group presentation.

I want you to make the power point of my part which should be at least of 3 pages and also write me speaker notes of the powerpoint which I have to speak in this presentation.

Please keep in mind I have to speak for 3 minutes so please provide quality work according to the question.

So we as a group have to make a presentation from the article named

Apple: A global leader in Supply Chain Management”

The link of this article is

Apple: A Global Leader in Supply Chain Management – Social Media for Business Performance (uwaterloo.ca)

These are the five part in which we have to divide our presentation based on this above article and my part is the highlighted one:

  1. Introduction/background

  2. Identification of research objective

  3. Strengths and weaknesses

  4. Key findings/Conclusions

  5. Policy implications or Research Contributions

Please keep these things in mind while doing my part ( Policy implications or Research contributions). Because Professor ask me to present something like this in my part:

- talk about how this research is doing towards the society

- What other companies get from apple in this article.

- What other companies can learn to achieve those level of apple.

- How this information is relevant for society.

- You can take the reference from other articles or research paper to support your point.

- Please be specific and clear

Again you just need to do my part in the presentation which is highlighted.