You are the Minister of Health for Honduras. A Multilateral donor has provided you with a grant worth $10 million to be spent within the next three years. The donor, being very wise, would like the funds to go toward “health improvement,” with health viewed from an ecological perspective and, when relevant, informed by the SDG’s. Activities could relate to combating individual diseases including risks factors; building public health, social, or health care infrastructures; addressing factors such as poverty and education; and so on. The key is to be able to justify why your choice is best for improving the health and well-being of people in your country (i.e. evidence-based ideas). It is your responsibility to choose how to spend this money and submit a justification statement for each expenditure, why these decisions were made, and why this is a cost-effective activity. Your report should be double spaced, 10 pages (not including references), in APA format.

Formatting and Organization.

    1. Visualize this as a justification report to the funder.

    2. Make it professional, attractive, and concise.

    3. Use APA style (including double spacing).

    4. Use the headings listed here as headings in your report.

Provide information under the following sections:

  1. Background

    1. Health issues that show a critical need.

      1. Let us know what the issue(s) are and provide enough information for someone to get up to speed.

    1. Description of the health issue(s) you chose (and country if necessary) and why you chose to address this issue.

      1. Provide sufficient justification. This is where you state the health issue(s) that needs to be addressed and why. You must provide evidence justifying need. You will likely not be able to address all issues. Your argument section should include.

        1. Consideration from a social ecological perspective

        2. Address both the causes and the solutions at multiple levels. Provide theoretical perspectives at each level when relevant.

        3. Highlight the public health implications associated with the health issue you selected and the role public health can play to address it.

  1. Interventions and Budgeting justification

    1. This is a numbered list of interventions (if more than one), items needed and the amount of money allocated to each item and intervention. Show evidence (i.e., monetary quotes) of how you decided on cost figures.

  1. Argument

    1. Detailed description of each activity listed in section ii and supporting argument stating why these are the most appropriate activities/interventions for your country at this time. Stress cost-effectiveness among others. Use the current data from the World Health Organization and cite other evidence to support your assertion.

  1. Weakness/Disadvantages

    1. What are the disadvantages of each intervention you have proposed? How might you address these? Think about all roadblocks and alternative strategies.

  1. Indicators to monitor for progress

    1. Select three health indicators from the World Health Organization that you think would be useful for monitoring and evaluating your efforts (if applicable). If not applicable, develop your own indicators. Organize appropriately. Explain briefly why you have chosen them.