Should only do part 4 from the line for this week.

LAS432 Course Project Developed Outline Task1


  1. Introduction
    1. Thesis/Ethical concerns to be addressed
      1. Air pollution is a global issue with many ethical concerns involved in its possible solutions.
      2. Who will foot the bill?
      3. How to reduce pollution without impeding on standards of life?
    2. What is Air Pollution?
      1. Air pollution consists of gas and particle contaminants that are present in the atmosphere. Gaseous pollutants include sulfur dioxide (SO2), oxides of nitrogen (NOx), ozone (O3), carbon monoxide (CO), volatile organic compounds (VOCs), certain toxic air pollutants and some gaseous forms of metals. Particle pollution (PM2.5 and PM10) includes a mixture of compounds that can be grouped into five major categories: sulfate, nitrate, elemental (black) carbon, organic carbon and crustal material.” (Overview of the Clean Air Act and Air Pollution, 2020)
    3. Air Pollution stats
      1. In 2019, about 70 million tons of pollution were emitted into the atmosphere in the United States.” (Overview of the Clean Air Act and Air Pollution, 2020)
      2. approximately 82 million people nationwide lived in counties with pollution levels above the primary NAAQS in 2019.” (Overview of the Clean Air Act and Air Pollution, 2020)
    4. Air Pollution science
      1. Carbon monoxide (CO)
        1. Leads to CO2 formation and ozone
      2. Lead (Pb)
      3. Nitrogen dioxide (NO2)
      4. Ozone (O3)
      5. Particulate matter (PM)
        1. PM10 – Particles smaller than or equal to 10 micrometers
        2. PM2.5 – Particles smaller than or equal to 2.5 micrometers
      6. Sulfur dioxide (SO2)
    5. Introduction to Smog Tower
      1. Smog Tower Design
        1. Designed by Environmental artist Daan Roosegaarde
        2. Awards: Successful Design Award China, Ethics Ethical Award, Grand Award for Sustainability, BUILD Architecture Awards 2020, Europe 40 Under 40 Awards, Design That Educates Award, Gold Award Design For Asia, Platinum A'Design Award, and German Design Award Excellent Product Design.
        3. Daan Roosegaarde: "True beauty is not a Louis Vuitton bag or a Ferrari, but clean air and clean energy." (Smog Free Tower, n.d.)
        4. 3 Aufero air purifiers
  2. Science/Technology behind the Smog Tower
    1. Air Ionization
      1. When enough energy is introduced, an electron jumps from one air molecule to another. (Jiang, Ma, & Ramachandran, 2018)
    2. Aufero air purifying system (ENS Clean Air, 2021)
      1. No filters
        1. Positively charged air and negatively charged plate
      2. Easy cleaning
        1. Particles/dust on plate can be collected by wiping them away or vacuumed into a collection container.
      3. Minimal energy consumption
        1. No filters reduces energy used
  3. How can this technology be effective in countries such as China, India and the United States?
  4. Possible solutions for correcting air pollution (PART 4)
    1. “Most carbon capture focuses on cleaning emissions at the source: scrubbers and filters on smokestacks that prevent harmful gases reaching the atmosphere. But this is impractical for small, numerous point sources like the planet's billion or so automobiles. Nor can it address the CO2 that is already in the air.” (Swain, 2021)
    2. Preventative solutions
      1. Reducing pollution creating energy creation/usage
        1. driving strict policies to curb construction dust
        2. there should be more emphasis on adoption of EV buses that can reduce transport dust by a significant margin
    3. After pollution solutions
      1. Not all pollution can be stopped before it occurs. IE Airplanes
      2. Smog Tower/Air Ionization
        1. Reduces approximately 90% of airborne particulate
        2. Air particles removed become dust and are no longer air borne
        3. Leads to less pollution in water
      3. Direct Air Capture
        1. Large scale pollution removal
          1. Estimates of 1 million tons annually
        2. Closed reaction system, No waste materials
        3. CO2 pulled from air can be sold to Oil industry
          1. Used to pressurize underground drilling caverns
  5. Impacts of the Smog Tower
    1. Financial Burden
      1. In China & India, Government foot bill
      2. Is that something the American people would be willing to do?
        1. Taxpayers are willing to pay for something that can be found to be cost efficient and efficient
      3. Individuals an purchase “Smog Diamond” ring made of the residue pulled from Smog Tower plates to help pay for new installations
    2. Location burden
      1. In China and India, located in community parks and other public areas
      2. Such small radius of cleaning requires mass quantities of towers to support substantial change.
      3. Land can no longer be used for production
    3. Health implications
      1. Effective radius is ~10 m
      2. People would need to spend a lot of time near the tower to see any effects
  6. Conclusion
    1. Since 1990 there has been approximately a 50% decline emissions of key air pollutants.” (Overview of the Clean Air Act and Air Pollution, 2020)
      1. Declining National Air Pollutant Concentration Averages – Chart from
      2. What we are doing is working, but is it fast enough?
    2. Ethical conclusions
      1. Air pollution is a significant issue that requires drastic changes
        1. We need a variety of short and long term solutions
      2. Government and businesses will most likely need to fund these installations
        1. Costs to be sent down to customers and taxpayers.
        2. Significant downstream costs will not be excepted
      3. The Smog Tower adds a safe place for clean air to breathe



Possible solutions for correcting air pollution Instructions

This week you will submit your Individual Draft for review to take you and your team one step closer to your final Team Project. Your draft should reflect the progress you have made in completing each milestone related to the Course Project in the earlier weeks, synthesize ideas you and your team members have developed, and highlight the key areas of analysis you have identified throughout the course.

Individual drafts should be four to five pages in length and follow APA standards. Your draft must also include a brief paragraph that explains your part of the Team Project and where your draft will fit into the final paper. This is an individual assignment.