Historical Context Chart: Drafting of the US Constitution

Historical Context Chart: Drafting of the US Constitution 1

HIS 100 Historical Context Chart

Prompt: To understand your topic, you need to understand the world in which the events related to that topic took place. First, list your research topic and the revised research question you plan to address moving forward. Then, choose two secondary sources related to your research topic and provide the citation for each in the chart. You may use secondary sources from previous assignments. Next, explain in the chart what each source tells you about the historical context of a chosen event and how it relates to your topic. In the last chart column, explain how the context provided by the source will help you write your thesis statement, answering your research question.

Replace the bracketed text with the relevant information.

Historical Context Chart

Research Topic: Drafting of the US Constitution.

Selected Revised Research Question: 1- Who was involved in the process of writing the United States Constitution and how did it happen?

2- What are the principles that guide our constitution and what do they mean?

Secondary Source Citation

Historical Context of Event

Support Your Thesis Statement

[First secondary source citation]

[What does this source tell you about the historical context behind your topic?

To understand your topic, you need to understand the world in which the event(s) took place.]

[Explain how the context provided by the source will help you support your thesis statement and answer your research question.]

[Second secondary source citation]

[What does this source tell you about the historical context behind your topic?

To understand your topic, you need to understand the world in which the event(s) took place.]

[Explain how the context provided by the source will help you support your thesis statement and answer your research question.]