chapter 4


(note: section should be 10 – 20 pages)

[Begin the discussion with a brief overview of the purpose of the research study and provide a brief overview of the chapter. Organize the chapter around the research question(s). Review the APA manual and published, peer-reviewed, empirical research articles for examples of how to report results of various research designs. ]

Note: If changes are made to instruments after proposal approval, through an expert review or pilot study, explain the changes made before explaining the results. Ensure the updated version of instruments are provided in the Appendix.


[Data analyses – Report results without discussion (interpretation, speculation, etc. appears in the next section):

  1. For Quantitative analyses,

    1. Give appropriate descriptive information,

    2. Present the results in a logical fashion, answering the research question(s)/hypotheses as stated and appropriate to the type of data collected,

    3. Identify assumptions of statistical tests and address any violation of assumptions,

    4. Make decisions based on the results of the statistical analysis (for example: Are the results statistically significant?). Include relevant test statistic and p values.

    5. See the APA manual regarding how to present results in text, tables and figures,

    6. Present sufficient information so the reader can make an independent judgment regarding interpretation.

  2. For Qualitative analyses

    1. Present results logically and in a way that answers the research question(s) by distillation steps of the discernment process,

    2. Present sufficient information so the reader can make an independent judgment about your interpretation,

    3. Review published articles that use similar designs for examples of how to present qualitative, thematic findings,

    4. Ensure that no potentially indentifying information is published.

  3. Mixed Method include all of the above.

Note: Triangulation of data should be explained in this section, if applicable. Tables and figures, where appropriate, are necessary and referred to in the text. Ensure compliance with APA format of tables, table titles, figures and figure captions. See APA, 6th ed, Chapter 5 for guidelines on displaying results.]

Evaluation of Findings

[This section is used to briefly report what your findings mean. The discussion will be expanded in Chapter 5. Interpret results in light of the theory (or theories) and/or the conceptual framework(s) you have identified. Describe whether the results obtained were expected given the literature and provide potential explanations for unexpected or conflicting results. Take care to avoid drawing conclusions beyond what can be interpreted directly from the study results.]


[Discussion summarizes key points presented in Chapter 4.]


This questionnaire aims to solicit opinions on mobile money services and the protection of consumer data. The results will not be used, analyzed, or shared in any illegal manner. The confidentiality of the responders will also be highly respected.

Interview Questions for Experts

  1. Can you kindly explain how the mobile money works?

  2. Please explain to us how the process of mobile money registration service works

  3. What is the architecture of mobile money?

  4. Elaborate the transactional process of mobile money?

  5. What security measures been implemented to safeguard mobile money services during data sharing?

  6. What security measures been implemented to safeguard mobile money services during data localization?

  7. What security measures been implemented to safeguard mobile money services during data transfer?

  8. What fraudulent issues have been experienced in mobile money services, if any, and how were they handled?

  9. What are some of the government regulations impacting the delivery of mobile money services?

Interview Questions for Customers/Users

  1. What business needs do you accomplish using your mobile money services?

  2. Did anyone ever ask for your mobile money PIN and used your mobile wallet without your consent?

  3. Did you ever noticed if any of your mobile money information is shared with third parties?

  4. Did you ever lose your phone, if so what measures you take to prevent the unwanted access to your mobile money account?

  5. Do you assume your mobile money is at risk if anyone has had access and is exploiting it?

  6. Does having a secure phone make the mobile money services you have secured in any way?

  7. In your opinion, whose responsibility is it to keep your mobile money secure?