HI, Please I got two submit the homework today by 9. I have attacehd my DAP PART A. You will use to do the DAP PArt B... The true or false question or still marked, I could mot take off. Do not mind

Do not mind any mark on the question.. You have to answer the 18 question.. Some of them you need my DAP A report to answer.. Please any question let me know.. Due TODAy please before 8:30 PM
Please be simple like a student…
  1. Identify the number of kcalories/gram this energy source derived from eating “foods rich in carbohydrates” provides

9  kcal/gram

6  kcal/gram

4 kcal/gram

3 kcal/gram


  1. How many kcalories per gram does a triglyceride have?

2 kcalories/gram

4 kcalories/gram

5 kcalories/gram

9 kcalories/gram

  1. Phospholipids, sterols and triglycerides are all members of the lipid family



  1. The lipid that provides the most amount of kcalories is the phosopholipid




  1. What advice should you give a person to help prevent complications associated with a sudden increase in fiber intake. Select ALL Correct Answers (may be multiple answers)

Increase fiber quickly

Increase fiber slowly over several weeks

Increase water intake at same the time as the increase of fiber

Select a variety of fibrous foods 

  1. Linoleic acid is in the omega 6 family



1 points   

  1. Linolenic acid is an omega 3 fatty acid




  1. What are the long-term health benefits associated with replacing saturated fats by INCREASING monounsaturated fats, polyunsaturated fats, and Omega-3 fats. Be careful not to make bold claims. Select ALL Correct Answers (may be multiple answers)

Reduces LDL cholesterol in the blood

Lowers the risk of cardiovascular diseases

Helps protect against some cancers

Helps protect against bone loss

Helps to prevent blood clots

Improves memory and cognition


  1. The long-term health benefits associated with DECREASING total excess dietary fat, saturated fat, and cholesterol include the following:

Select ALL answers that apply, may contain mulitple answers

Decreased risk for cardiovascular disease

Decreased risk for some cancers

May result in weight loss if the fat calories are not replaced with other foods and the activity patterns remain the same

Increased risk for Diabetes


  1. This question is only based on the My Plate Analysis table portion of your Part A DAP report and the information from the textbook, explain in 250 - 400 words which food group(s) & categories need adjustments to meet all the MyPlate recommendations.

The purpose of this question is to show you can interpret your Part A DAP "My Plate Analysis section" of your previously submitted report into specific dietary changes that will align with meeting the MyPlate patterns.

Include in your answer:

  • Explanation of why you need to make these changes

  • Description of your specific food groups/categories that were too low or too high on your My Plate Analysis section of your DAP report

  • What specific foods (i.e. use term broccoli and not vegetables) you would add/delete to balance out all of your groups/categories

  • Grammatically correct sentences, free from spelling errors (you may want to check response in a word document first)

The best practice recommendation is to answer this question in a word program document so you can check your grammar, spelling and word count.

For the toolbar, press ALT+F10 (PC) or ALT+FN+F10 (Mac).

Answer please 250 words at least
  1. List three different specific food items (i.e. broccoli, not vegetables) that were your personal best sources of fiber in your diet from your DAP Part A reports AND three additional high fiber foods you would personally consume

a. _______________________ b. _______________________c . _______________________ personal best sources from report days 

d._______________________ e. _______________________ f. _______________________ additional foods you would consume

  1. List one food containing cholesterol from each day of your three recorded days that you could limit to reduce TOTAL DIETARY CHOLESTEROL intake from food, even if you are within recommendations. Review your spreadsheets at the end of your DAP Part A report to see your high sources of Dietary Cholesterol under the Chol (mg) column.

Hint: please be specific to include the descriptive of any food that in itself does not have cholesterol but may be added to make the dish.  (ex, spaghetti noodles or even the marinara may not  contain cholesterol, be specific enough to show me you understand dietary cholesterol sources)

a) Day 1: ________________________________

b) Day 2:_______________________________

c) Day 3:________________________________

Answer Here


  1. Refer to 2 different sections in your DAP Part A Reports: Macronutrient ranges and Intake vs. Goals 

What  is your average percentage (%) of carbohydrate calories consumed? (from Macronutrient range report )a.  ____________%

What is your average grams of carbohydrates consumed? (from Intake vs. Goals) b. ___________ grams

Consider for your overall calories intake, your carbohydrate intake and your percent of calories carbohydrate intake. Do you need to increase your overall carbohydrate intake? Explain the reasoning behind your answer. c. ___________________________________________________

For the toolbar, press ALT+F10 (PC) or ALT+FN+F10 (Mac).


  1. Determine your percentage of calories from sugar: multiply total sugar grams by 4 calories/gram, then divide by your total intake kcalories, and then multiply by 100 for a percent % answer.  

Show ALL your calculations below, do NOT just give your answer (no points received unless full calculations shown)

Sample calculation:

Suzie consumed a total of 1798 calories. Her Dietary Recommended Intake was 2000 calories

80 total sugar grams X 4 kcal/gram = 320 kcal

320 sugar calories divided by 1798 total intake kcalories = 0.178

0.178 x 100% = 17.8% of kcalories come from sugar

Now work your own problem out by: 

Enter your total average consumed sugar grams (intake vs. goals report)  ____

Multiply that number by 4 kcal/gram to give you = ____ your total calories of sugar

Take this total average calories from sugar from above step ___  and divide that number by your total average intake calories (intake vs. goals report) ___ =    ____ (decimal answer)

_____ (your decimal answer from above) multiple by 100%= _____ your % sugar

Show your work with numbers ex: 80 grams sugar x 4 kcal/gram divide by my total calories 1798 x 100% = 17.8% calories from sugar

For the toolbar, press ALT+F10 (PC) or ALT+FN+F10 (Mac).

  1. According to some authorities, the recommended intake of sugar should be less than 10 percent of total kcalories, is actual your percent sugar intake (calculated in question above) below/ the same/ or above  recommendation? a.   ___________________

Consider your overall calorie intake and sugar intake and explain if your sugar intake is an acceptable amount and why b._______________________________________________


  1. Use your intake versus goals section of the eCampus submitted DAP report

How many grams of fiber did you consume? a. ______ grams of fiber

Is your fiber intake below/ the same/ or above the Target recommendation? b. ___________

Explain whether this is an acceptable intake and why:

c. _________________________________________________________________________________________

For the toolbar, press ALT+F10 (PC) or ALT+FN+F10 (Mac).


  1. Be sure to ANSWER ALL parts of the question (a,b,c)

What is your average percentage (%) of total kcalories from fats (see Macronutrient Ranges section in Report)? a. _____________%

How many fat grams did you consume (intake vs. goals section of report)?b. ____________grams

Take a look at both of these numbers in relation to your overall calorie intake and explain if you need to lower, increase or keep

same intake and why. c.  ________________________________________________________________________________________________


  1. To increase your omega 3 intake (regardless if it was low or not) what 2 specific major food sources

(must clearly show item is a source, do not just put fish) of omega 3 could you eat?