Case 3: Loyalty and Fraud Reporting (a GVV case) Note Paper needs to be original Questions 1. Analyze the facts of the case using the Fraud Triangle. Would you characterize what Ethan Lester did as a

Yvonne, the rubric for the third case assignment states the following requirement:

The third case study in the course gives you the opportunity to evaluate and select your own case to analyze. Be sure that the case you chose provides you with enough of a framework to answer the questions for the assignment. Check the module resources for assistance with evaluating a case study. Please review the evaluation criteria in the rubric below, which highlights grading information. Prompt: Choose a financial statement fraud case involving a public company within the last five years.

If it is not your practice that you download the rubric for each assignment so that you can be aware of the specific requirements, I recommend that you incorporate that into your work processes as a process improvement so that you can realize it as a course takeaway.

Note that I provided a screen shot of the specific requirement of the nature of the case selection (that it be a recent financial statement fraud case involving a public company within the last five years) to emphasize the importance of that detail in advance to the class.   If it is not your practice to review the course announcements each week, I highly encourage that you set aside a minute or so to give them a quick scan at the start of each week.  I have found that there are specific problem areas in the course and I make an effort to emphasize them in advance for everyone's benefit.  I encourage you to engage in the high value-added activity of briefly reviewing the course announcements each week so that you invest your time in the course efficiently and strategically.

In reviewing your case selection, it appears that you have selected a case from the textbook in lieu of selecting a financial statement fraud case involving a public company within the last five years and as such your case selection does not meet the basic requirement of the rubric.  One key point here is that the course is geared to academic research and a certain amount of appropriate research is required to locate a suitable case.  In the course announcements I have recommended the SEC website as a great source for cases.  I will offer it here for you again in case you are interested:   It is not required that students research the SEC website, mind you, but I find that it is a wealth of information and students who use the resource can excel in the assignments.

The late policy this term allows you to submit work up to a week from the original due date subject to a 10% late penalty.  I encourage you to do that so that you can earn points for the assignment.  Today's date:  3/30/21