I am writing a 12-14 pg (3000-5000) word paper about the decline and fall of the Russian Empire empire 1721-1917. below Is what I have so far. And what I hope to go off of. Willing to change some

Research Paper Proposal T entative Title - The Decline and Fall of the Russian Empire Thesis Statement: The decline of Russia began with Nicholas II taking the throne in 1894, where he was unprepared to do so, and an inability to fulfill the role of a leader to the common people led to an overthrow and fall of the Russian Empire.

Pr oposal: For the week 8 research paper , I decided to write about the decline and fall of the Russian Empire. I chose this topic because prior to Vladimir Lenin and the start of the USSR, I did not know entirely too much about the fall pre Soviet Russia. I am hoping to broaden my knowledge of the political and economic history of Russia From the beginning of Nicholas IIs’ reign through WWI, and present the decline of the Romanov Dynasty and the fall upon Vladimir Lenin's death in 1922.

The Autocratic rule of Russian Czars led to civil unrest amongst the common population such as the laborers, students, intellects and impoverished. Revolutions do not begin over one thing or another . They begin with a combination of social issues, economic, political, etc. Once the people believe that they have been completely failed by their rulers and see no other way out other than revolt. The Russification Policy by Alexander III was one of the leading causes to the idea of Nihilism (rejection of all religious and moral principles) in Russia. Now , I don't believe all moral/religious values were abandoned, however I would ar gue that being forced into Russification, an equally extreme idea like nihilism would be adopted. The start of WWI in 1914 would prove to be the economic decline of Imperial Russia. The beginning of any war will silence other social issues within the country , replacing it with patriotism. However , this is a temporary euphoria. Russia’ s underdeveloped infrastructure and need to conscript millions of its laborers was the main cause of the decline in food production. Many of the peasants were moved into the industrial sector of work, however this only worsened the food production, and had a slight increase in production to help the war ef fort. I will discuss, in depth, throughout this paper about the combination of social, political, and economic unrest that lead to the final downfall of Imperial Russia in 1922.

Annotated Bibliography:

Burbank, J., V on Hagen, M., & Remne v, A. V . (2007). Russian empir e : space, people, power , 1700-1930 (Ser . Indiana-michigan series in russian and east eur opean studies). Indiana Univ ersity Press.

https:/ /ebook central.proquest.com/lib/nor wich/reader.action?docID=339112 This book giv es a good gener al over view of the policies of the ruling class. It also co vers the connection of this rule t o the broad territ ories under its rule and the multitude of ethnicities which f ell under its command. The political rules fr om individual Czars giv es the r eaders a better understanding of Russification under Alexander III. LeDonne, J. P . (2004). The gr and str ategy of the russian empir e, 1650-1831 . Oxfor d Univ ersity Pr ess.

https:/ /ebook central.proquest.com/lib/nor wich/reader.action?docID=4702688 This book co vers the gr eat expansion of the Russain Empir e, which co ver ed 11 time z ones. With the massiv e expansion and contr ol of all these territ ories, comes a gr eat financial bur den. This book co vers the economic challenges that the Russian Imperials faced because of a lar ge military and authoritarian expansion. F reez e, G. L. (2002). Russia : a hist ory (2nd ed.). Oxfor d Univ ersity Pr ess. https:/ /ebook central.proquest.com/lib/nor wich/reader.action?docID=107442 This book pr ovides a detailed hist ory of Russia thr oughout the ages. Mor e importantly it co vers Re volutionar y and war time in Imperial Russia. It also speaks on the New E conomic P olicy and the success of Lenin which solidifies the end of the Czars in Russian hist ory.

C ra n ks h aw , E . ( 1 976). T he s h ad o w o f t h e w in te r p ala ce : r u ssia 's d rif t t o r e vo lu tio n, 1 825-1 917 . V ik in g P re ss.

T his b o ok t a lk s a b o ut w hat d ro ve R ussia t o r e vo lt i n 1 917. T he c o m bin atio n o f s o cia l, p o lit ic a l a n d e co no m ic is su es g ave t h e B ols h en ik s t h e o ppo rtu n it y t o o ve rth ro w a n d t h e R om an o vs a n d fi ll t h at p o w er v a cu um a fte rw ard s.

R ig a, L . ( 2 012). T he b o ls h evik s a n d t h e r u ssia n e m pir e .

C am brid ge U niv e rs it y P re ss. h ttp s:/ / w eb -b -e b sc o ho st-c o m .lib ra ry .n o rw ic h .e d u/e h o st/ d eta il/ d eta il? v id =0 & sid =e5 ee2 59a-8 ba c -4 e8 5-b 9 56-7 25fb fa 2 c3 59% 40se ssio nm gr1 01& bd ata = J nN jb 3 B lP X N pd G U% 3d # A N =4 9 4740& db = e0 00xn a T his b o ok g o es in to t h e h is to ry o f t h e B ols h evik R evo lu tio n, w hic h w as t h e fi nal d ays o f I m peria l R ussia , e n d in g t h e r u le o f t h e C za rs . T o u n d ers ta n d t h e f a ll o f t h e R om an o v D yn asty , w e n ee d t o u n d ers ta n d t h e p eo ple t h at c a u se d t h at d o w nfa ll. T he B ols h evik s r a in ed in a n ew e ra f o r R ussia a n d n ew p o lit ic a l h is to ry f o r t h e w orld .

F le m in g , C ., & S ch w artz & W ad e B ooks . ( 2 014). T he f a m ily r o m an o v : m urd er, r e b ellio n & t h e f a ll o f im peria l r u ssia ( F ir s t) . S ch w artz & W ad e B ooks . A s w it h u n d ers ta n d in g w ho o ve rth re w t h e R om an o v d yn asty , i t is im po rta n t t o u n d ers ta n d t h e R om an o vs t h em se lv e s. T his b o ok g o es in to t h e R evo lu tio ns o f R ussia a fte r N ic h o la s I I t o ok t h e t h ro ne in 1 894, e ve n t h o ug h it is s a id h e w as u n p re p are d t o d o s o .

Haimson, L. (1964). The Problem of Social Stability in Urban Russia, 1905-1917 (Part One). Slavic Review , 23 (4), 619-642. https://www-jstor-org.library .norwich.edu/stable/2492201?seq=1#metadata_info_tab_co ntents The journal above gives a good insight to some of the social issues that plagued Russia in the early 1900s. Social issues can be one of the leading factors in the common people wanting a regime change and pushing for an overthrow . Outline:

I. INTRODUCTION A. Nicholas II takes the Throne II. Rule Under Nicholas II A. Bloody Sunday B. Poverty Among the Working Class III. W orld War I A. Economic Failures of WWI B. Diminished Working Class IV . Bolshevik Rebellion A. Nihilism in Russia B. The overthrow of Nicholas II V . CONCLUSION A. Lenin’ s Reign