please solve this quiz as soon as possible

Quiz #11 Name________________________ 1) Match the group, organization, or person with the cause or belief (1 point each) a) _____ Millerites 1) anti - slavery b) _____ John H. Noyes 2) temperance c) _____ Shakers 3) complex marria ge d) _____ Mormons 4) women’s suffrage e) _____ American Colonization Society 5) dietary reform f) _____ Washington Society 6) millennium g) _____ Dorthea Dix 7) celibacy h) _____ Seneca Falls Convention 8) polygamy i) _____ William Lloyd Gar rison 9) prison and asylum reform j) _____ Doctor Graham 10) African re - settlement 2) How was the religious revival known as the Second Great Awakening connected to the various reform movements that sprung up in the 19 th Century? ( 4 points) 3) True or False From the beginning nearly all northerners supported the anti - slavery movement. 4) Many of the early reform movemen ts seemed to f ocus on making whose lives better? a) Slaves b) I mmigrants c) Native People d) Women and Children 5) Why did you pick the answer in number 4?