I need 2 slides with speaker notes for presentation, one for control and one for exhibits. Please see attached file.

Controls and Exhibits


Environmental Analysis

The environmental analysis of a marketing plan assesses the responses to the developed marketing plan. Corporate responses are classified into three different areas such as corporate behavior or social obligation, social responsibility, and social responsiveness (Sethi, n.d). The external environment is where time is divided from the beginning of the problem to the solution is reached and consists of four different categories: before the problem, identification of the problem, the solution of the problem, and prevention of the problem (Sethi, n.d). ECRH environmental analysis for the marketing plan will evaluate patient satisfaction in the different areas the goals for the new marketing plan set. These scores will be determined based on the following questions

  • How was your experience with your provider?

  • Were you treated with kindness and respect?

  • Was the facility clean?

  • Where you able to make an appointment when needed?

  • Did you know what to do when if you have questions?

The environment control is the atmosphere the patients feel when coming into the facility and how they perceive their experience. Utilizing evaluations of patient satisfaction will measure how the environment of ERCH affects the patients and if the service problems have resolved along with how to improve the environment for the patients and coworkers.


The threats for the ERCH marketing plan are both external and internal.

External threats:

  • BMC the other healthcare organization

  • Negative brand image from the closure of the ACH, behavioral facility, and the lawsuit for predatory collections

Internal threats:

  • Low quality of care

  • Aging physicians needing to retire

  • Low patient satisfaction

  • Payor mix deterioration

The need and plan to address both internal and external threats have been included in the marketing plan and goals.

Environmental Analysis

This section is devoted to the environmental analysis.


Market Data Exhibits

Marketing data is a sum of collected information that is collected from a variety of different accessible points and interactions between the consumer and the organization as a brand (MTS Staff Writer, 2020). ECRH has established its goals in the rebranding of services for women as well as the recruitment of new physicians to replace those who are reaching the age of retirement. ECRH will need to see how their marketing strategies are working and how those strategies are doing in converting marketing content into loyal customers. One way this can be done is through the use and implementation of a CRM (Customer Relationship Management) system. A CRM system uses technology to track an organizations marketing information to collect data on the number of emails opened, how many of those clicks lead to making appointments, or conversion rates, and track lead generations along with many other data gathering techniques (MTS Staff Writer, 2020).

The generation of exhibits and reports reflecting this data collected will help the marketing team at ECRH know what portions of the marketing plan are leading to more customers, and which portions of the plan will need to be changed or removed all together. This is valuable data that will help the longevity of a marketing plan function in a continuous fashion.

Value Analysis Exhibits

Value analysis is a well thought out way to enhance business efficiency and the effectiveness of operational logistics (Chron Contributor, 2020). The value analysis exhibits are made up of the breaking down of everyday processes into smaller components that have the ability to be improved. Once broken down they can be measured to know if they are worth being improved or if the process should be removed all together (Chron Contributor, 2020). ECRH will use the value analysis exhibits in their operational management to better enhance their service delivery to create longevity in their patients returning for continued care throughout their lifetime.

For the purposes of ECRH in using value analysis one example of the use of these procedures would be in the woman’s services improvement. Instead of looking at the service as a whole it would be broken down and looked at in a variety of ways. Waiting times, customer survey reports, time spent in with a doctor, technology of tools used, accessibility to referrals, aftercare, etc. By looking at a single aspect of the company and breaking it into many different pieces it will lead to efficiency at ECRH in making minor changes with bigger positive outcomes without removing a new or improved service.

Marketing Mix Exhibits

Marketing mix is a strategy that is used to sell out products to the consumers to maximize profit. Marketing mix exhibit is used mostly to seduce the clients to buy out products that they might need but never intended to buy. It is achieved by using the 4Ps that are commonly known as the marketing mix. The 4PS stands for product, place, promotion and price. When marketing any given product, research has it that the best point to begin with is the price. Price is the value derived from a service rendered or product sold. It is the value attained by the seller for giving out a product. It is used psychologically when marketing a product to make the buyers feel attracted to a buy a good. when marketing in an exhibition, sales agents are encouraged to give their clients discounts or prices that will easily entice them to make a purchase. It in turn makes the business to attain profit if more products are sold. Place is the locality in which a particular business is found. The locality of an enterprise is what makes the business to maximize profit. Marketing mix exhibit demands that when starting a business, the location must be considered. Enterprises that are strategically located tend to maximize profit than those remotely placed. Promotion is a marketing strategy that is used to make the merchants buy products due to the offers that are made. It can be in form of price subsidies or product offers where clients are added the same product for every quantity bought. Product on the contrary is a promotion strategy that is used by the management of an organization to increase profit. It is introduction of products that suits the merchants tastes and preference. During marketing, the product, place, price and promotion are over emphasized to help increase sales.

Organizing the Exhibits

Organization is mandated to control and plan for all the activities of the firm. It is therefore the responsibility of the management to ensure that the strategies that are put in place helps the firm to attain its overall objectives within the set time frames. When there are new products to be introduced in the market, it is the responsibility of the management to ensure that the everything is planned and the products displayed to the clients are required. It thus calls for drafting the budgets and ensuring that all succeeds. Business owners and the management works together to ensure that the organization makes its consumers aware of the products they are offering at the right price.