RUA: Analyzing Published Research The purpose of this paper is to interpret the two articles identified as most important to the group topic. Please see the attached rubric and documents for instructe

Week Five Assignment Tips!


I want to provide you with some clarification about the next written assignment, due this upcoming Sunday, April 4. This is an INDIVIDUAL assignment.

Check out the recording of last evening's WebEx for an overview of this assignment!

The purpose of this week’s (Five) assignment is to now interpret and analyze those same two articles you utilized for our last written assignment.  

You will do this by:

  • filling out the matrix ( available as a link when you click on the assignment in this week's module, or in our Files section), then

  • summarize your findings in the body of the paper. The matrix can be included as an appendix to your paper, or you can post that separately in addition to the paper. 

Here's some clarification of the rubric:

Description of Findings: Summary  means the information you will provide in the matrix

Description of Findings: Description   is your narrative (the paper) that includes those points in the rubric.

 Look at the Directions and Assignment Criteria and you will find the required information to include in that summary description. This is in addition to the matrix.  At the very top of the document is the actual purpose of the paper. Follow the template/outline provided and you will be fine!

Remember, each of you in your teams are working on two different articles for the group project! These articles are the basis for this assignment.

And last, you will also see  in the assignment directions, that you may utilize the first paper to provide some of this week’s requirements. If I had any feedback for you in that paper, feel free to revise and include that in this paper.

Please reach out to me if you have any questions!