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HCM 400 Final P roject Gu idel ines an d R u b ric The final project for t his cou rse is the creation of a written propo sal. Overview Wh ile health car e organizations di ffer greatly, managers in various depa rtments in organizations must propose ch an ges to processes, the purch ase of new eq uipment, the ad dition of em ploy ees, and many other ch an ges to execut ives and boards to obtain ap prov al. For t his course, you will place yourself in the role of a manager in an organization of your c hoice. You are tasked w ith creating a wri tten p roposal that will add value to an organization and will impact the b ud get. This may come in the form of ad ding upd ated equ ipm ent, ch ang ing a process to become more streamlined, and so on . You will be su bmitting your p ropo sal to your instruc tor, who will be playing the roles of CE O and bud getary bo ard, for consideration. This ass essment will req uire you to defend your proposal in terms of the value add ed and the financial i mpacts to the organization, as you would need to in t he real world. You will select your organi zation from the following site to ensu re that su fficie nt financial i nformation is available for consideration: https ://www.sec .gov/ed gar/sea rche dgar/ web users.htm. You can look for companies by selec ting the ‘most rec ent filing s’ li nk and then sea rch for a health car e or biotech company. You must confirm with your instruc tor that the topic or area of interest of your p roposal will al low you to su fficie ntly answer all of the qu estions in the prompt below. You also have the option of selec ting your p lace of em ploy ment, within hea lthcare, as app roved by your instruc tor. The project is d ivided i nto fou r milestone s, which will be su bmitted at various p oints through out the course to scaffold lear ning and ensure qu ality final su bmissions. These mile ston es will be su bmitted in Modu les Two, Three , Fou r, and Six. The fina l project wi ll be sub mitted in Modu le Seve n. In t his assignme nt, yo u will demon strate you r ma stery of the followi ng cou rse outcomes:  Articu late key managerial accounting principles in hea lthcare using ap propriate terminology  Determine financial impacts in health care by ana lyz ing major forces affecting the deli very of health services  Utili ze financial statements to inform shor t- and long -term strateg ic plann ing  Craft high-level proposals that add ress bud geting consideration by justifying spe nding for healt hcare services Pr om pt You r propo sal repo rt shou ld answe r the follow ing prompt: Consideri ng the major forces in health care today, what improv ements or changes would you propose for your sele cted organization? How would your proposal a dd value to the organization, and wh at impact wou ld your proposal have in terms of the financial and bud getary considerations? Spe cifical ly the follow ing critical eleme nts mu st be add ressed, bu t the proposal that you are creating may req uire you to ad dress the se aspects in a different order. Please organize your rep ort in the manner that seems the mo st logical for your topic. I. Introdu ction A. Wh at are the major forces affec ting the deli very of h ealt hcare today? Disc uss these forces and their correspond ing impacts on today’s healt hcare environment. B. Imp act of Forces: Wh at healt hcare service and deli very opportu nities and challeng es exist because of the forces disc ussed a bove? Define the ch allen ges and opportu nities that exist for today’s healthcare leaders. C. Oppo rtun ities: Ba sed on your an alysis of the major force s, impacts, and opp ortunities provided, consider the specif ic organization that you sele cted. What opportu nities exist for this organization, and how do these opp ortunities relate to the big-pictu re view of health care? D. Propo sal: Wh at is your prop osal for ad dressing ide ntified issues or improv ements within your organization? In other words, wh at ch an ges are you trying to incorporate in your s elec ted organization? II. Fin ancial and Bud getary Con side ration s A. Fin ancial Stateme nts: Wh at financial statements will you util ize in making your p roposal, and how will you use the se statements? B. Propo sal Imp act: Wh at imp act will your p roposal have on the organization’s fi nancial statements? Artic ulate the impact using ap propriate terminology. C. Flexed Versus Fixed : How would your proposal be different if usi ng a flexed bud get versus a fixed b ud get? In other words, how would the use of one type of b ud get versus the other impact your p roposal, a nd how would your proposal impact the b ud get? (Evaluate the differen ces be tw een a fi xed and a flexed bud get.) III. Propo sal Justification A. Ratio Se lection: Wh at ratios will you use to su ppo rt you r p roposal a nd why? Sele ct the ratio or ratios that wou ld be the most appropriate. B. Ratio Results: Calc ulate the selec ted ratios and artic ulate the resul ts usi ng accurate terminology. Wh at do the resul ts tell you about the viability of your proposal? C. Sho rt- an d Lon g-Term Impact: Based on your calc ulations and financial statement analysis, determine the short-term and long-term i mpact on the o rganization and the organization’s fi nancia ls. Wh at is the sh ort-term and long-term financial impact of your p roposal for the organization? How can you plan to strategically mitigate the impact on the financials of the company, or how will your proposal help inform strateg ic plann ing in the sh ort and long term? IV. Closing Stateme nt/ Conc lusion A. Ad de d Value : Wh at value will your p roposal a dd to the organization? Justify the value or improvement your proposal will add for the organization, in consideration of tren ds in health care. B. Justification of P ropo sal: How ap propriate is your prop osal based on your fi nancial a nalysis? Justify your prop osal based on the fin an cials a nd bud getary considerations. If you feel that your p ropo sal is not ap propriate given your an alysis, exp lain why, with su pp ort of your rea son ing . Milestone One : Draft Proposa l: Major Fo rces Mil estones In Modu le Two , you will submit a draft p ropo sal for critical eleme nts loc ated in Se ction I, pa rts A an d B (see ab ove und er Prompt), defining the major forces affec ting the deli very of h ealt hcare. You will be req uired to descri be the oppo rtunities and challen ges as they relate to health care lead ers. Add itionally, you should inc lud e the types of leas es that might be considered for fi nancial operation s. In your response, consider the opp ortunities and challen ges for today’s health care leade rs. The format should be a minimum of 2 pages in len gth. This mileston e is grade d with the Mi leston e One Ru bric. Milestone Two: Hea lthcare Or gan ization Sele ction In Modu le Three, you will sele ct a com pany within the health care indu stry that you will u se later for your capital bud get proposal research. You will su bmit the hea lthca re organ ization selection to the instruc tor to ens ure that you are ab le to att end to each aspect of the asse ssment. The format should be a 2- to 3- paragraph journal assignment . This mileston e is grade d with the Mi leston e Two Ru bric. Milestone Th ree: Draft Proposa l: Cap ital B ud get Item Sele ction and Op portunities Availab le for Proposal In Modu le Fou r, you will s ubmit a draft p ropo sal for Section I, pa rts C and D. Us ing the app rov ed hea lthcare organization and the information gathe red, identify the capital bud get item or items that will be used as the basis for t he wr itten capital bud get propo sal. You must includ e how the proposal recommen dations reflect the big-pictu re view of h ealt hcare. Refer to the Note on Operational Bu dgeting in Health Ca re (located in your coursep ack) for fi nal project bud get gu idance. The format should be a minimum of 1 page in len gth. This mileston e is grade d with the Mileston e Three Rubric. Mile stone Four: Finan ce, Bu dg et, an d Justifi cation In Modu le Six, you will su bmit a draft propo sal for Se ction s II an d III. You will provide financial statement analyses, profitability ratios, and ratio ana lyses to su pport the capital bud get proposal formulated in Milestone Th ree. You will al so use financial calc ulations to su pp ort proposal recomm en dations and to exp lain the s hort- and long -term financial i mpact for the organization. The format sh ould be a minimum of 2 pages in len gth. This mileston e is grade d with the Mileston e Fou r Ru bric. Final Produ ct: Written Proposal In Modu le Seven , you will sub mit a written propo sal on you r selected organ ization . You will provide an exp lanation of how the capital bud get proposal su pp orts the operational and strategic goals of the organization. You will be req uired to exp lain the value of the capital proposal in consideration of cur rent tren ds in healt hcare and to provide financial statement su pport and ana lysis. The written proposal s hould be a complete, polished arti fact containing all of the criti cal elements of the fin al product. It s hould reflect the in corporation of feedb ack gained th rough out the course. The fi na l produ ct will be grade d us ing the Fina l Produ ct Ru bric. De liv erables Mileston e Del ive rab les Modu le Due Grad ing One Draft Proposal: Major Forces Two Graded s eparately; Mileston e One Ru bric Two Health care Organization Selec tion Th ree Graded sepa rately; Mileston e Two Ru bric Th ree Draft Proposal: Ca pital Bu dget Item Select ion a nd Opportu nities Available for Proposal Four Graded s eparately; Mileston e Th ree Ru bric Four Finance, Bud get, and Justification Six Graded s eparately; Mileston e Four Ru bric Final Produ ct: Written Proposal Se ven Graded s eparately; Final Produ ct Ru bric Final Prod uct Rub ric Guide lines for Sub mission : Your wri tten p roposal s hou ld be long enoug h to su fficie ntly cov er all ne cessary materia l, inc lud ing key budg etary information and any external resources used in prepa ration; however, the nu mber of pa ges is less imp ortant than the content and organization of the rep ort. Your proposal should be organized l ogically, as it will be used to convince your sup ervisor and bud getary board (your instruc tor) to approv e your cha nges. Critical Elements Exemp lary (100 %) Proficient (85 %) Nee ds Imp rovement (55 %) No t Evident (0%) Value Introduc tio n: Major Forces Meets “Proficien t” crit eria, and discussion evidences keen insight into the curren t healthcare environm en t Discusses the impacts of ma jor forces in today’s healthcare env ironmen t with emph asis on the effect on healthcare delivery Discusses the major forces in today’s healthcare env ironmen t, bu t not their impacts, or without focus on the effect on healthcare delivery Does not discuss the major forces in today’s healthcare env ironmen t 5 Imp act of Forces Meets “Proficien t” crit eria and evidences keen insight into the greater env ironmen t of healthcare an d the recen t challe nges an d opp ort un ities Acc urately define s the challe nges an d opp ort un ities faced by today’s healthcare leaders based on the forces in today’s healthcare environment Defines challenges and opp ort un ities faced by today’s healthcare lea ders, bu t with gaps in detail or acc uracy based on the forces in today’s healthcare environm en t Does not define challe nges an d opp ort un ities faced by today’s healthcare lea ders 8 Oppor tunities Meets “Proficien t” crit eria and evidences keen insight into incorporating the big-picture views into organization al settings Translates the big-picture view of healthcare to the selected organization to iden tify areas of opp ort un ity Iden tifies areas of opp ort un ity within the selected organization bu t without the conn ective detail to the big-picture view of healthcare Does not iden tify areas of opp ort un ity wit hin the selected organization 8 Propo sal Meets “Proficien t” crit eria and evidences keen insight into needs an d opp ort un ities wit hin the healthcare organization Co nceptualizes reaso nable change(s) for proposal within the organization based on the iden tification of opp ort un ities Co nceptualizes change(s) for proposal within the organization , bu t changes are not reaso nable or not based on the iden tification of opp ort un ities Does not conceptualize changes for proposal within the organization 8 Financial Stat ements Meets “Proficien t” crit eria and evidences keen insight into the use of fina ncia ls for proposal creation Iden tifies the correct financial stat emen ts an d inform ation for use in prepari ng the proposal Iden tifies incorrect financial stat emen ts an d inform ation or misses key fina ncial elemen ts necessary for prepari ng the proposal Does not iden tify fina ncial stat emen ts an d inform ation for prepari ng the proposal 8 Propo sal Imp act Meets “Proficien t” crit eria, and artic ulation evidences keen insight into the nu anced impacts organization al changes can have on fina ncial stat emen ts Clearly artic ulates how the proposal could impact the financial stat em en ts of the organization Artic ulates the relationship between the proposal and the financial stat em en t, bu t does not correctly describe the poten tial im pact of the proposal on the stat emen ts of the organization Does not artic ulate the relation ship betwee n the proposal and fina ncial stat emen ts of the organization 10 Flexed vs. Fixed Meets “Proficien t” crit eria and evidences keen insight into the financial nu ances of fixed an d flexed bud gets in healthcare Acc urately discusses the differences betw een flexed and fixed bud gets in relation to the proposal Discusses the differences between flexed and fixed bud gets, bu t with gaps in acc uracy or not in relation to the proposal Does not discuss the difference between flexed and fixed bud gets 8 Ratio Selection Meets “Proficien t” crit eria and evidences keen insight into the uses an d benefits of fina ncial ratios for bud get proposal Selects financial ratios app ropriate for supp ort of the proposal Selects financial ratios, bu t they are not app ropriate for supp orti ng the proposal Does not select financial ratios 8 Ratio Results Meets “Proficien t” crit eria and evidences keen insight into the use of ratios an d fina ncial termi nology in healthcare settings Artic ulates the results of ratio calc ulation s accurately using app ropriate fina ncial termi nology Artic ulates the results of ratio calc ulation s, bu t with gaps in acc uracy or without use of app ropriate termi nology Does not artic ulate the results of ratio calc ulations 8 Short - and Lon g- Term Imp act Meets “Proficien t” crit eria and evidences keen insight into financial an d organization impact of proposals in healthcare Determines accurately the short- and long -term poten tial impact of the proposal on the organization an d the organization ’s fina ncials Determines short- and lon g- term impacts of the proposal on the organization an d financial s, bu t with gaps in acc uracy, logic, or detail Does not determine the short- and long -term impacts of the proposal on the organization and fina ncials 8 Add ed Value Meets “Proficien t” crit eria and shows keen insight into valuing and justifyi ng proposals for organization al improvemen t Justifies the value the proposal will ad d to the organization with supp ort from trend s in the healthcare environm en t Descri be s the value the proposal will add , bu t does not justify with supp ort from trend s in the healthcare environm ent Does not describe the value the proposal will ad d to the organization 8 Financial Justification Meets “Proficien t” crit eria and evidences keen insight regarding financial ne eds an d justification in healthcare Justifies or den ies the app ropriateness of the proposal in terms of fina ncial an d bud getary consideration s Explains the financial an d bud getary consideration s, bu t does not justify or deny the app ropriateness of the proposal in terms of these considerations Does not explain the fina ncial and bud getary consideration s 8 Artic ulation of Respon se Submission is free of errors related to citation s, grammar, spelling, syntax, an d organization an d is presented in a profess ional and easy-to-read form at Submission has no ma jor errors related to citation s, grammar, spelling, syntax, or organization Submission has major errors related to citation s, grammar, spelling, syntax, or organization that negatively impact readability an d artic ulation of main ideas Submission has crit ical errors related to citation s, grammar, spelling, syntax, or organization that preven t und erstand ing of ideas 5 Total 100%