INDIVIDUAL PROJECT (RESEARCH PROPOSAL) 1. Identify a topic and conduct a literature search (Topic - Are Criminals Born or Bred: Is It as Simple as One or the Other?) 2. Complete an annotated bibliogra

Iresha Simmons

March 1, 2021

Issues & Procedures


While there wasn’t much choice for the research question I chose, my secondary data will come from an article found through the google scholar database, “The Cause of Crime,” written by Anthony Holzman-Escareno, various crime reports from the FBI via their Crime Data Explorer tool , and a study from the Industrial Psychiatry Journal Personality - Correlate of criminals: A comparative study between normal controls and criminals. I found these articles and data while researching the backgrounds of criminals and why they committed the crimes they committed.

As I stated before thee is not much statistical data on this topic so I had to make do with what I had. Most of the information I was able to gather was case by case so they didn’t really correlate in any way. I compiled a list of an even number of names of famous serial killers, thieves, and other criminals and used that for my percentages besides the ones I found already established. Each source has its own bearing of information. Each source brought an alternative set of characteristics to look at.