-Beyond the Alamo: Forging Mexican Ethnicity in San Antonio, 1821-1861 by Raúl A. Ramos (ISBN: 978080783207) this is all about dissect a book

Dissect a Book

This assignment is designed to help you locate all elements of a book review without having to write a standard review assignment. Because you are writing evaluations each week based on primary sources, it is important for you to develop skills to be able to evaluate a secondary source too. (For more information on primary versus secondary sources, please see the “What is a Primary Source?” link on D2L)

This is a major project worth 100 points. Each element of this template should be completed in a detailed and thoughtful manner. I suggest beginning the assigned reading at the beginning of the semester. Look over the elements of the assignment and fill them in as you read the book. Then, you can edit what you have entered and polish it for your final submission.




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Basic Book Facts:

  • What is the subject of the book?

  • What is the setting (time and place) of the book?

  • What major research questions is the author trying to answer?

  • Who is the audience for this book?

Basic Book Structure:

  • How did the author organize the book?

  • Were there images? Did they serve a purpose?

  • What was the author’s writing style? Was it effective?

Three Major Themes of the Book with paragraph explanation (3-5 sentences per theme)

Author’s conclusions: What is the author arguing and are they successful?

Sources: How does the author prove their claims? Does the author rely on primaries or secondaries?

Author’s major biases: What are the limits of the book? Does the author make any major assumptions? Do you think the author is wrong about anything?

Your opinion of the book (at least two paragraphs)