2 exam essay questions. (3 pages each) Details in the file attached

  1. Introduce your main thesis (argument) clearly in the first paragraph. In this case your argument will be an answer to the question I have given you.

  2. Throughout your paper, stay on topic and include only information and analysis that is directly relevant to the main thesis. Make sure the reader understands how this information is relevant to the main thesis.

  3. Be sure that you are proving rather than just stating your argument. While your opinion is important in this assignment, what’s more important is your ability to support your opinion and convince the reader t.

  4. End your paper with a brief conclusion that sums up your argument and reminds the reader how you have proven it. Don’t make the conclusion too long or too repetitive.

  5. Answer both part I and part II

  6. Each essay should be 3-4 pages long.

  7. Use Chicago style citation

Exam Questions & Instructions

Part I: Answer one of the following questions in essay format making specific and detailed reference to world history from 1945-1992. Use specific examples and case studies whenever possible. (15 marks)

A. Why did the late 1960s see a wave of youth protest around the world? What were the goals of those involved and were these goals achieved?

B. The origins of the Cold War are often explained by historians who are grouped into three different schools of thought: Orthodox, Revisionist and post-revisionist. Which of these do you find the most convincing and why?

C. To what extent did governments in the “Second World” deliver on the promise of creating socialism for the citizens of those countries?

Part II: Answer one of the following questions in essay format making specific and detailed reference to world history from 1945-1992. Use specific examples and case studies whenever possible. (15 marks)

A. Argue for or against the following statement: The lack of success of movements in Africa, Latin America and the Arab world in obtaining political independence and economic success was a direct result of the policies and decisions made by the two “Superpowers” and their desire for a world order which benefitted them rather than the “third world”.

B. Although both Marxism and Nationalism were originally “western” ideas that originated in the first world, in the period of the Cold War they were more frequently found influencing revolutionaries in the formally colonized third world. Why?

C. To what extent does the success of revolutionary movements in Algeria, Vietnam, China and Cuba among others force us to re-evaluate our understanding of war and the efficacy of conventional military power?