instructions in the attached file

Rethink, reconsider and reanswer the initial responses made. Copy the initial response, post thoughts about how changes need to be made then post the revised copy

Elaborate more on #2

My initial response

What are the two major grounds for gaining federal court jurisdiction?

The two major grounds for gaining federal court jurisdiction are diversity and federal questioning. Diversity jurisdiction pertains to all the issues that allows an individual to present a claim in a federal court when the case claim exceeds $ 75,000 and the parties in conflict comes from different states. The federal question on the other hand is considered when there is an issue of concern and the judiciary advise is needed on the matter to give a direction of how the issue is to be taken. In most cases they must arise from issues and cases of federal law. 


2)    In the federal court system, What are the names given to 

  • The highest appeal court-The supreme court

  • The intermediate appealed courts-The courts of appeal

  • Trial courts- The district court 

3)    If someone says that a particular court does not have jurisdiction over a lawsuit, what is meant by that?   

If someone claims that a court does not have jurisdiction over a lawsuit, it simply means that the court does not have the power to hear and pass judgement. Jurisdiction is the ability of any court to hear a case and pass a verdict and therefore if a court has limited powers they, cannot hear a case and give a verdict. In other words, it means that the court has limited powers to preside over certain trials. 

4)    Describe the limitation on a litigant’s right to appeal

Everyone has the right to appeal cases when verdicts are passed and they are not convinced with the sentence given. However, there are situations that compels the judiciary to limit people’s ability to appeal for certain cases. One such is instance when a litigant’s right of appeal may be limited is when the verdict given if from the highest court of the state. Appealing simply means seeking a verdict from that seems ‘better’ for being unconvinced by the ruling made by a junior court. It means one can appeal from district courts and courts of appeal but not in a supreme court being that it is the final court in the nation. 

Work cited-

Currier, Katherine A., et al. The Study of Law: a Critical Thinking Approach. Fifth ed., Wolters Kluwer, 2020.