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Define your clinical area population and intervention of interest. Provide an overview of your clinical question interest in healthcare, identifying evidence-based databases that would be helpful in your search ( 250–300 words).


Textbook Readings

Evidence-Based Practice in Nursing and Healthcare

  • “Making the Case for Evidence-Based Practice and Cultivating a Spirit of Inquiry”

  • “Asking Compelling, Clinical Questions”

  • “Finding Relevant Evidence to Answer Clinical Questions”

  • “Critically Appraising Knowledge for Clinical Decision Making”

  • “Critically Appraising Quantitative Evidence for Clinical Decision Making”

Journal Readings

Please retrieve and read the following Journal articles from the Library. Articles can be located through a search in the CINAHL database, OVID database, Course Resources, or by using the link at the end of the reference if provided.

Irwin, M., Bergman, M., & Richards, R. (2013). The experience of implementing evidence-based practice change: A qualitative analysis. Journal of Oncology Nursing, 17, 548–49.

Welford, C., Murphy, K., & Casey, D. (2011). Demystifying nursing research terminology: Part 1. Nurse Researcher, 18(4), 38–43.

Welford, C., Murphy, K., & Casey, D. (2012). Demystifying nursing research terminology: Part 2. Nurse Researcher, 19(2), 29–35.

Web Resources

Go to the NCQA site, navigate to the “About NCQA” page, and read about the purpose and design of this organization to promote evidence-based quality in healthcare.

  • National Committee on Quality Assurance. 2015. Retrieved from


  • Review Appendix B, Rapid Critical Appraisal Checklists.

  • Determine how the checklists can be integrated into your research and then begin applying to your project.