Help with my homework

You must TYPE (IN YOUR OWN WORDS) a 3 page paper on ONE of the Body Systems listed below. 

1) the function of the system

2) the organs in the system (including those "accessory" organs) - giving a brief description of each

3) describe how the organ system works with other organ system(s)

4) give (1-3) Illnesses/Diseases/Disorders that may arise in the body system or that may affect the organs in the body system

5) other interesting facts (feel free to ATTACH pictures, diagrams, etc.)

NOTE: I will READ these papers so plagiarism WILL NOT be tolerated! I utilize an online database that will track any form of plagiarism, so I strongly encourage you all to USE your OWN words! You will lose credit if any is picked up. 

Body Systems:

1. The Endocrine System

2. The Circulatory System (Cardiovascular)

3. The Lymphatic System

4. The Respiratory System

5. The Urinary System

6. The Digestive System

7. The Male Reproductive

8. The Female Reproductive

9. Integumentary System

10. Nervous System