Strategic Management Assignment. Please read through the instructions and make sure you fully understand before you send a proposal. Thank you.


Market Segmentation Strategies

Name: Kellian Bailey

Professor: Stephen Katz

Due Date: April 28, 2021

Market Segmentation Strategies

Health care provider to use their value chain in the market segmentation process

Market segmentation is the process of defining customers into groups that share similar needs, hence focusing on those needs with an aim in recruiting and retaining those customers (Ginter, Duncan, & Swayne, 2018). Healthcare providers need to use the value chain in the market segmentation process to refine the services offered to customers, serve customers' needs and wants in a better ways. Making changes in the value chain helps healthcare organization refines it services, inform the organization on pricing, advertising and promotion. Upgrading care services and pricing services as per care offered helps healthcare organizations in retaining its customers and acquiring new customers.

How does the value chain support any value-added support strategy?

The value chain involves set of activities required to create value for customer. Those activities required to fulfill customers’ needs are added value strategies. The values added strategies are refined more through organizational structure, organizational culture, and strategic resources. This value-added support strategy enhances value-added strategies in creating value for customer. The value-added strategies are the end products of value-added support strategies and action plans employed to achieve value-added strategies (Ginter, Duncan, & Swayne, 2018).

Recognize the uniqueness of customers in a designated market segment

Customer's uniqueness is determined by their wants, perception about price, product quality, and their expectation about a service. Values added strategies are designed to improve how the product is marketed, how service is offered and other services that add value to customers for example customer support or follow-up on care service.


Ginter, P. M., Duncan, W. J., & Swayne, L. E. (2018). Strategic management of health care organizations. 8th Edition