Computer Science Homework C++ : Linked List Address Book Project I need help with coding this assigment.

Linked Address Book Project For this project, you will be modifying the Online Address Book by revis ing it to use a linked list as the underlying data structure. You will also add the following features: 1. Get information for a new entry from the user and store the new entry in the address book. 2. Remove an entry from the address book. 3. Save updated information upon exit. This project is divided into 3 parts: Part 1. Modify the addressBookType class so that it inherits from the orderedLinkedList class. The header files for the linkedListType.h and orderedLinkedListType.h files are provided. Copy over the files (dateType.h, dateType.cpp, addressType.h, addressType.cpp, personType.h, personType.cpp, extPersonType.h, extPersonType.cpp, addressBookType.h, addre ssBookType.cpp ) from the Online Address Book. You will only need to modify the addressBookType class and the extPersonType class. Here is a summary of the changes that are needed: Make the addressBookType class inherit from the ord eredLinkedList class. The orderedLinkedList class is a template but the Address Book can only use extPersonType objects. Fix the Type parameter for orderedLinkedList so that it can take only extPersonType objects. The addressBookType.h file can be amended as follows to accomplish this: • Include "orderedLinkedList.h" • Change the class definition to look like this: class addressBookType:orderedLinkedList • Remove the private instance variables in addressBookType.h since the d ata structure is no longer an array but instead is the linked list from the linkedListType class. • Make any changes required to the header file comments. Inside addressBookType.cpp make these changes: • Remove the sort function, it is no longer needed since t he ordered array list inserts nodes in the correct order. • Modify the addEntry function to use the insert function from the orderedLinkedList class. • Modify any code that iterates over the list to use a traversal of nodes instead. Any places where a pointer to a node in the list is created needs to include the Type parameter extPersonType . For example, to create a pointer to the head of the linked list use code like this: nodeType* current = first; Modify the extPersonType class so that it ove rloads the == , != , and >= relational operators. (10 points ) Part 2. Add (a) function(s) to get information for a new entry interactively and then add the new entry. Also add (a)function(s) to remove an entry from the list, using deleteNode from the base class orderedLinkedList . Add options to the menu in the main function for these new features. ( 10 points ) Part 3. Add a function to the addressBookType class which will traverse the list to save the information in the Address Book to the data file. Run this function automatically from the main function before terminating. While debugging, write the information to a separate file, but when it is correct, modify the program so that the data is written back out to the same file that it is read from. (15 points ) Project total: 25 points