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The Inaccuracies of Performance Appraisals Due to Rater Bias
Armand Hammer
The University of Texas Permian Basin
The Inaccuracies of Performance Appraisals Due to Rater Bias Determining what constitutes a positive or negative assessment in a performanceevaluation is subject to the appraiser’s interpretation of the employee’s effort. Managers observe, assess, and evaluate over a period of time and score based on those observations (Tuxillo et al., 2016). Unfortunately, these accounts may reflect inaccurate representations of the employee’s work. There are many reasons that evaluations may not indicate the exact picture of an employee’s performance. The appraisal may be influenced by range restriction errors. In the case of leniency error, a supervisor may be too generous with scores. Strictness errors show the tendency for an evaluator to be ungenerous. Central tendency error is when employee’s score is reflective of the collective group. Managers can also slight employees by comparing their performance to the others in what is termed contrast error (Tuxillo et al., 2016). The scores can even be a result of the manager’s own personal agenda (Tuxillo et al., 2016). Whether it is personal, hypercritical, hypocritical, intentional, or unintentional, when a person is evaluated by another person, there is the possibility for error. It is human nature to view others through their own personal lens. As such, performance evaluations are subject to the appraiser’s bias.It is important to understand the possible inaccuracies of supervisor bias and how it may impact the scoring. This gives companies and I/O psychologists input that may guide them in creating more fool proof methods for appraisal clarity. Therefore, much research has gone into determining factors that are indicative of how different people would score the same person.Bernardin et al. (2016) conducted a study to determine whether the personality type of a manager affects the way performance appraisals are scored. Bernadin et al. began with implementing personality testing using the Five-Factor Model (FFM) which consists
of rating management’s “personality characteristics, their competence in performance management, and their levels of bias and accuracy in appraisals made in situations differing on levels of rater accountability” (Bernardin et.al., 2016, p.321). Once these scores were attained, they calculated the correlation between the manager’s personality type with the rating level of their employees. Their hypothesis was that more amiable, agreeable managers tended to score their employees with higher ratings and this bias would lead to less accuracy. Bernardin et al. found a positive correlation between “more agreeable, less conscientious, less assertive, and less competent managers” and employee ratings (p. 336). Thus, bias by these managers shows up in their employee’s high scoring appraisals. Bernardin et al. concluded that these types of managers clearly would benefit from additional training.Bernardin et al. (2016) stressed that appropriate training programs are needed to minimize employee rating error. Hard-working employees need to be shown that they are valued by the company. When the harder worker’s less deserving peers receive high ratings, it promotes dissatisfaction and it may lead these employees to seek jobs elsewhere (Bernardin et al., 2016).
Bernardin, J., Thomason, S., Buckley, R., & Kane, J. (2016). Rater rating‐level bias and accuracy in performance appraisals: The impact of rater personality, performance management competence, and rater accountability. Human Resource Management, 55(2), 321-340. https://doi.org/10.1002/hrm.21678 Truxillo, D. M., Bauer, T., & Erdogan, B. (2016). Psychology and work: Perspectives on industrial and organizational psychology. Routledge, Taylor, & Francis Grou