Write a 4-page (1200 word) critical summary of any Supreme Court case that has been decided since 2012. Your summary should have three parts: 1. Critical summaries of each attorney’s oral arguments.

PS 22 5: The Study of Law Midterm Extra Credit Hard cop ies due at the beginning of class, May 26 This optional assignment is worth up to 20 % of your midterm grade. A perfect paper will raise your midterm grade by 20 %— say, from an 80 to a 100 — though less perfect papers will help proportionately less. Regardless of your paper score, it can only help you . You are welcome to write as many papers as you like, each counting for up to 20 %. However, your midterm grade cannot be raised above 100. Assignment: Write a 4 -page (1200 word) critical summary of any Supreme Court case that has been decided since 2012. Your summary should have three parts: 1. Critical summaries of each attorney’s oral arguments. (Audio and transcripts should be available from Oyez.) 2. A critical summary of the Court’s majority opinion , focusing on its Constitutional and precedential basis. 3. A brief argument about your view on the case.