PICO four-please review

Textbook Readings

Evidence-Based Practice in Nursing and Healthcare

  • “Clinically Appraising Knowledge for Clinical Decision Making”

  • “Clinically Appraising Quantitative Evidence for Clinical Decision Making”

  • “Clinically Appraising Qualitative Evidence for Clinical Decision Making”

Journal Readings

Please retrieve and read the following Journal articles from the Library. Articles can be located through a search in the CINAHL database, OVID database, Course Resources, or by using the link at the end of the reference if provided.

Schardt, C., Adams, M. B., Owens, T., Keitz, S., & Fontelo, P. Utilization of the PICO framework to improve searching PubMed for clinical questions. BMC Medical Informatics & Decision Making, 7(1), 16–26.

Web Resources

Review the NCQA website, paying special attention to the clinician’s website, specifically the Patient Experience Reporting section.

It is expected that you spend approximately 1–2 hours reviewing this resource.

  • National Committee on Quality Assurance. 2015. CAHPS Patient Experience Reporting Distinction. Retrieved from https://www.ncqa.org/Portals/0/Patient%20Experience%20Web%2009%2030%2011.pdf?ver=2011-10-03-144056-000

  • Review this guide on creating a PowerPoint from the Writing Center: https://campus2.purdueglobal.edu/article/creating-effective-powerpoint-presentations


  1. Review Appendix C.

  2. Use the table as a framework to appraise the studies you have found for your PICOT questions.

Implement this into your PICOT project

Descriptive Statistics Overview 

Purpose of Assignment:

The purpose of this assignment is to review the statistics presented in the articles you reviewed in relation to your clinical topic. You will provide a brief overview of statistics in the studies.


  1. Define the clinical key question of interest.

  2. Identify the studies of the database search that represent the highest levels of evidence found Identify the statistics discussed in the study as it relates to confidence intervals or statistical description.

  3. Discuss the statistical results of the studies identified.

  4. Write a 3- to 5-page paper reviewing the evidence as it relates to confidence.

  5. Follow APA 7th edition format.