Topic: Assume that you have been hired by a small veterinary practice to help them prepare a contingency planning document. The practice has a small LAN with four computers and Internet access. Prepar

Yaswanth Popuri 

Discussion 2


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For a small veterinary office with a remote LAN with four computers and internet access, we can say there can be multiple threats that will impact their business. Some of the possible threats are natural disasters, virus attacks, human attacks, and malware attacks. We should build a very secure threat modeling architecture for this small office that will last for a long time without any future attacks. Unauthorized access to attackers accessing a network without receiving permission can be a significant threat to veterinary practice (Maddox, 2016). The causes of unauthorized access attacks are weak passwords, lack of protection against social architecture, previously jeopardized accounts, and insider threats. Not deactivating the system/email access of an employee who is no longer part of the organization could be a broad threat scope. The preventive measures to unauthorized access would be to restrict network users to unchecked Internet. Passing all requests through a transparent proxy and using it to control and monitor user behavior. Also, blocking suspicious behavior by monitoring endpoints to identify behavioral patterns that may indicate an exploit will prevent significant breaches (Maddox, 2016). There could also be network attacks on the LAN. The business impact of network attacks is stealing important veterinary data or compromising the system, making it unusable in practice. The preventive actions that could ensure the system's integrity are establishing strong login passwords, setting up a firewall, securing every computer, scheduling backups.

 When any natural disaster occurs, that creates barriers for the organization, and this disaster can stop the organization for various days or months due to the disaster. Special shelters can be set up for animals in emergencies. It has a significant impact on the business as the recovery of the data or information is not sure to be obtained quickly. It has a substantial effect on any organization's production. Ensure to create a business contingency plan to continue the business after the natural disaster, and contingency plan helps to recover an organization to its standard daily activities as quickly as possible for an unplanned event occurrence. It minimizes customer inconvenience and safeguards the resources on the premise (Krook & Malaika, 2019).

Preventative measures are the UPS can be used to get the power supply. Batteries and other systems are used in case of any emergency. Cloud backup for important information without which the organization may face trouble running projects' operations.

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Deekshith Kumar Kondla 

Week 2 Discussion Question


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Threat Categories in Contingency Plan Document

Natural Disasters: This category of threat is subject to the geographical conditions affecting the location of the business. For instance, if the business is located in a place where storms, earthquakes, or tornedos are more frequent, natural disaster remains the major threat category and they might force the business to shut down for days, weeks, or months (Jouini et al., 2014). Preventive measures include backing up data offsite, restoring data virtually, and insuring assets to avoid heavy losses.

Hardware Failure: A small veterinary practice is highly likely to face hardware failure that can significantly affect data management. This category of threat includes backup technology failure, hard drive crashes, and poor storage planning (Boraten, 2020). However, this category of threats can be mitigated using measures such as running regular hardware tests, using modern storage technology, and using hardware to minimize downtime.

Data Theft/Loss: A small veterinary practice will include managing client data, including financial details, names and addresses, and transaction details. There is a threat of such data being compromised, leading to high risk of loss of trust and reputation and financial losses. This threat category can be mitigated using measures such as physical security to protect the assets (Ahmed et al., 2017). The veterinary practice can also prevent this threat from occurring by using secured LAN network and encrypting data. The veterinary practice can implement access control to limit access by users to protect the systems by preventing malware software from being installed. The practice should also limit user access to the internet to ensure business needs are given priority.

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