Project 6: Global Approaches to Cybersecurity Start Here As a cybersecurity professional, it is important for you to not only understand the organizational and national human and technical factors, bu

International Cybersecurity Environmental Scan Template

Country: _________________________

  1. What are some unique characteristics of the country’s culture that make cyberspace issues more challenging?

  1. If you projected forward into the next decade, what things do you think will change?

  1. What could be the catalyst(s) for change?

  1. From an economic perspective, is there a possibility that the country will take a different approach with regard to cyberspace than it has in the past?

  1. From the criminality perspective, does the country do enough in the cyberspace area?

  1. What changes would you suggest if you were the US ambassador to these countries?

  1. Describe and discuss the potential impact of your recommendations.