the docs down below

  1. Identify two ways in which an anthropologist from the “functionalism” school of thought (Malinowski) and an anthropologist from the “postmodern” (Geertz) or postmodern feminist (Butler?) school of thought might differ in their interpretation or explanation of the cultural practice of the “sworn virgin” in Albania.  In your view, which perspective is best suited to understanding this practice and why

  2. To what extent is the cultural practice of sworn virgins progressive or oppressive for women in Northern Albanian society?  Explain two reasons why the cultural practice of sworn virgins might be considered positive, progressive and empowering for these women and their society (when viewed from a “Malinowskian” functionalist perspective), and two reasons why it might be considered negative, oppressive, and patriarchal (when viewed from a “Geertzian” postmodern, or postmodern feminist perspective).

  1. Finally, in smaller breakout groups, discuss the following:

    1. Describe and reflect on your personal experience (or that of someone you know) with gender identity construction:  choose two institutions or “agents of socialization” (your family, the (social) media, formal education system, religious community/institution, peers, etc.) and describe how these institutions taught (or “socialized”) you (or someone you know of) how to act, behave as a “boy” or “girl.”  Finally, assess to what extent the gender socialization process you experienced was positive/beneficial or negative/harmful and explain why it is important to reflect on the gender socialization process.