Overview The 18th-century French writer known as Voltaire has been quoted as having said, "No problem can withstand the assault of sustained thinking." When faced with a problem, what do you do to sol

Problem-Solving Essay: Part 1


Critical Thinking PHI 210

Prof: Everett Bensten


Scenario 2:

In psychology, there are several theories that explain various types of learning processes. I do believe that if my child works on the project independently, then he will be at a position to depend on himself because I will not always be around to help him in making the right decisions. However, I would make him write what I have discovered in points form for him to put the ideas into practice independently. Once he completes the project, I would look at it so that to point out mistakes which he should mix before taking the project to his instructor. I would also try to talk to the other parent so that to make them understand the importance of letting the child to work on their own. After all the teacher had assigned the students such a project so that they can achieve a certain learning objective.