What are the alternatives method to grow thermophilic bacteria that produces enzyme?


Extremophiles are significant natural resources for discovering novel bioactive compounds and

enzymes for various industrial applications. DNA polymerase for example is one of the many useful

ezymes that have been isolated from thermophiles and currently used in life sciences and

environmental biotechnology. Studying enzymes of thermophiles especially obligate

hyperthermophile however can be exceptionally challenging due to the need to grow the organism at

high temperature in addition to their low cell yield. Many researchers therefore are looking for

alternatives to study the protein of obligate hyperthermophile without having to grow the organism

in liquid medium at the high temperature.

If you have been given the task to study the structural properties of enzyme A produced by a

hyperthermophilic bacteria and you are provided with the total genomic extract of the bacteria and

specific primers for the gene coding for enzyme A, device or strategise a method to study enzyme A

without having to carry out bacterial propagation at the high temperature to obtain the enzyme.