i have a timed exam on 25 July at 1:30 pm cdt for gmgt pls look below for the format and details

Attempt TWO questions from Parts A, B, and C (2x15 marks = 30 marks)

PART A NEGATIVE NEWS MESSAGE; Email Format Or Block Letter Format (175-200 words)

PART B PERSUASIVE SALES MESSAGE; Email Format Or Block Letter Format (175-200 words)

PART C DIRECT STRATEGY MESSAGE; Email Format Or Block Letter Format (175-200 words)

For an example and an explanation of the block letter format, see page 3 of the “Memo and Letter Formats” handout posted on UM Learn. You can also review an example of a letter in block format on pages 264 in Thill’s textbook.


Total= 40 marks

Summarize the article by paraphrasing the major points in it. Begin with the central idea and give an

overview. Then describe the supporting points. As well, capture the development of the supporting points and show how the writer supports them. Be objective and avoid evaluative and judgmental statements in this section. (Maximum 200 words)


Sample Exam Question for Part A: A Case for Negative-News Message

Assume the position of a manager of a large music product store in the Polo Park mall. In your store, you sell compact discs and cassettes featuring a wide variety of music: from heavy metal and country to classical and opera. Your clientele is as varied as your music.

You supervise 20 employees who work three different rotating shifts, so no one group of individuals works together all the time. Each shift, someone will choose the music to play over the store’s sound system. There is no store policy on who should choose the music; the only directive you’ve given is that the employees should choose music from the promotional discs and cassettes that have been sent to your company for in-store promotional play.

The fact that your employees have varying musical tastes has been a positive — up until recently. Several employees have complained to you about the music that has been picked for playing in the store. Some who prefer heavy metal music complain that country and easy-listening discs and tapes have more play. One employee complained that every time he put on a classical piece, someone changed it to Elvis’ music. One person has been criticized by several other employees for playing country singer Willy Nelson “all day long, if she can get away with it.”

You realize that everyone cannot be pleased all the time; however, you also realize that conflict among employees can transfer into low morale and poor customer service. As well, you acknowledge to yourself that the music played in the store is not primarily for the enjoyment of the employees but for the sale and promotion of the music.

You cannot talk to all of your employees at a meeting because they work different hours; at no time are all of them in the store at the same time. You decide, therefore, to write an email about this situation to all the employees.

Write this email using the indirect strategy: consider your subject heading carefully; decide on a buffer and a transition; explain clearly the problem and your decision regarding the problem; and end on forward-looking, goodwill note. As well, demonstrate the You-attitude, and choose your words carefully so that the tone is one of respect and not one of blaming. (Maximum 175-200 WORDS)

Sample Exam Question for Part B: Persuasive Sales Message in Block Style Letter Format

You are the manager of a tax consulting firm in your city. (Give it a name.) Realizing that the recent changes in the tax laws will cause many individual tax payers who fill out their own returns to make costly mistakes, you write a sales letter to increase your clients in the middle-income group.

The basic philosophy of your tax consulting service is client satisfaction through able assistance by capable, honest, and courteous tax consultants. By knowing the new tax laws and how they affect your clients, you can save them both time and money. You provide the clients with economical help in the preparation of their income tax returns, confidentiality, year-round income tax services, and audit assistance. Fees are based solely on the complexity of the return. The average fee last year was $200 for each tax return. Your fee entitles the client to assistance with tax estimates, audits, and tax questions. Write the letter in block format. (Note: create the addresses) (Maximum 175-200 WORDS)

Review the relevant pages of the chapters on all three strategies from Thill’s textbook as indicated in my course outline.

Review PowerPoint slides on Good Business Style and exercises from Thill’s chapter on Writing Business Messages.

Review my lectures from my PowerPoint slides and your lecture notes on each of the three message strategies along with the Thill’s exercises and other exercises we discussed in class.

Kinds of Direct Strategy Messages: Information Request, Giving Information, Action Request, Recommendation for a program, initiative, or a candidate, Response to a Request, Response to Claim, Explaining a Policy, Solution to a Problem

Kinds of Negative Messages: Declining an Invitation, Rejecting a Claim, Denying a Request for a contribution to a cause, Rejecting a Proposal, Request, or an Initiative, Asking people to Change Behaviour, Making a Negative Announcement, and Refusing Credit or a Loan, etc.

Kinds of Persuasive Sales Messages: Asking the reader to buy a product, or try a service, or contribute to a cause

For the question on the summary of an article, review my lecture notes and handouts on summary and paraphrasing skills as well as the feedback you received on your summary paper.

Best Wishes