I need help with child dev assignment. please look at attached filed for instructions.


  1. Make sure you have watched the Instructions for Watching the Infant Toddler Cognitive Video in last week's module.  It provides observation practice. 

URL to Toddler cognitive video: https://youtu.be/mfque9iFTLE

  1. Download the Observation Worksheet.  Read it.  Print it for you to make notes on while watching the video Mind Games.

  2. Review the Preschool Observation Example Sheet provided in this assignment.  It contains a brief definition of the developmental domains and a few examples of how to fill out your assignment worksheet.

  3. Watch the video:  Mind Games Find examples of the different developmental domains in the video (Mind Games) and make notes on the worksheet.  Afterwards TYPE them into the worksheet.  DO NOT copy my examples onto your worksheet.  If anyone copies my work, they will earn an "F" on the assignment.  If you have difficulty typing onto the form you need to click on "ENABLE EDITING" up at the top of the page.

URL to Mind games: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1_FGAMlvcMtybKWn5HRyh6pS8k68jjhfE/view?usp=sharing

  1. Use a different example for each recorded observation.

  2. Save your typed document as a WORD DOC or PDF.  Otherwise I cannot read it.

  3. Upload it on this page (upper right corner).

  4. Make sure it was uploaded correctly.

  5. Grades are based off details and depth of answers.