I have a resit assignment for business process and systems. I can provide you with the previous work in which I got 30/100. i can provide the teachers feedback and other helping material also.

Hamza see the previous feedback at the bottom.

Your assignment does not fully follow the assignment brief.

New Submission: 30%

This assignment still has the same problems as before, you have to act on the feedback provided.

You should follow the assignment brief.

This is what is required:

Part one: 

You have discussed strategy management of Primark not the Operation Management components which are essential.

The work requires to discuss how they are offering these low prices to the customer.

You should also discuss what they are not doing comparing to sector and support this with relevant theories and operation models.

What is your solution and what are the costs to implement this solution?

Part one is descriptive and should be discussed in context of the operation models taught on the course.

Part two: Rich Picture should include the customer going to the store and the new solution.

What you presented is not the rich picture.

Rood definition should include – include the new solution and how it is benefiting customer and Primark.

Part two should also have Business Process Plans for the existing system and the new solution (See lecture 4 and 5).

Part Three:

There is some evidence of discussing the role of the manager.

Work should include:

1.       This part should concentrate on the new solution only as discussed in part one and two.

2.       Analyse the resources required and costs for implementing the new process (“TO BE” Business Process Plan).

3.       Support your discussions with Performance Model, management of change etc.

Balanced Scorecard:

4.       Balanced Scorecard is to measure the post implementation performance for the new process only.

5.       Create Table for each prospective.

Under each table use the words to support your data, reference for the sources etc.

See the assignment brief, follow the tips.

Part one should include:

·        Why are you using Soft Systems Methodology (SSM) to solve the problem – you have discussed this in your assignment 

·        What is Primark doing good for the customer (how are they creating value for the customer) i.e. how are they keeping prices low, where are they buying fresh goods from and what is the purpose of the middle aisle.  - You have made start on this but require supporting reference.

·        Compare and contrast what Primark is not doing good compare to the sector. Your research should find the gaps (use GAP model and retail model).

·        You should use these gaps to decide and recommend new solutions.  Discuss the solutions including costing and resources.  Choose one solution to take to part two.

Use Lecture notes for Week 2, 3, 4, 5 to complete part two.

Use lecture notes for week 1, 8 and 9 for part three.

For the resit you can rework the assignment, when you completed part one arrange meeting with me for feedback.

Study the tips in the assignment:

This assignment is about Operation Management and processes.  The outcome from the research is your solution.

The supporting theories are from operation prospective and practical resources are from articles on Primark, Primark’s annual reports and their website.

Where to start your assignment:

1 Brief statement why you are using SSM

2: Start with brief discussion on essential Components of Business Operation Management

3. How Primark UK is creating value for customers and what are their models to create this value (discuss in the context of the operations theories).

4. You are trying to find the gaps between Primark UK and other fashion retailers. (read the articles on Moodle to support your assignment

01-03-2012-ART-Supermarket Article-steeneken-Ackley 111226


5 Your solutions to fill these gaps (see notes above).

6 The Parcel Conundrum depending on your solution – issues with delivering to the door.

  1. BBC News – The parcel conundrum


Read this

Notes to support assignment part one - September 2020 File

Business Process and Systems: Primark UK

Table of Contents

Part 1 5

1.Soft Systems Methodology (SSM) 5

2.Business Operations Management 5

3.What Primark UK are good at doing in their current operation strategy comparing to the sector. 5

4.Primark UK: Creating value for customers 5

How the business creates value for the customer. 5

5.Primark UK: Competitive deficiency & Solutions 5

1.What the industry is doing, and Primark isn’t 5

2.Further constraints 5

6.Solutions for the problems 5

7.The Parcel Conundrum depending on your solution – issues with delivering to the door. 6

References 8

Part 1

  1. Soft Systems Methodology (SSM)

Briefly discuss why you are using MSS to analyse the problem

  1. Business Operations Management

What are the key functions of their operation management?

  1. What Primark UK are good at doing in their current operation strategy comparing to the sector.

Fashion selection?

How the stores operate?

What type of customer they are aiming at?


  1. Primark UK: Creating value for customers

How the business creates value for the customer.

How Primark UK is creating value for customers and what are their models to create this value (discuss in the context of the operations theories).

How they keep prices low?

What is their relationship with their manufacturers?


  1. Primark UK: Competitive deficiency & Solutions

  1. What the industry is doing, and Primark isn’t

You are trying to find the gaps between Primark UK and other fashion retailers.

  1. Further constraints

  1. Solutions for the problems

Your solutions to fill these gaps found in 6.

Justify why this solution is workable.

Discuss should Primark operate this central warehouses or decentralized from the store.

Do some estimated cost analysis.


  1. The Parcel Conundrum depending on your solution – issues with delivering to the door.

Discuss how the delivery to door will work and the implication of cost and environment.

Part Two:

1. Rich Picture

Draw Rich picture by hand, it should include how customer shops in store and the problem they face. See lecture two and three.

It should also include your new solution customer shopping online and delivery of goods to the door

2. Root Definition

Statement is three part i.e. primark implementing new solution, how customer benefits and what are the benefits to the business.


  1. AS IS” business process plan - see lecture 4 and 5.

  1. TO BE” business process plan – this is based on your new solution.

Part three can only have value if you have “TO BE” business process plan.

Part Three

1. About six hundred words - see the assignment requirement

  1. Balanced Scorecard in four tables.

See lecture on BSC .


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Previous Feedback mark awarded 30%

This is research  is based on operation strategy change to increase or capture the online share of the market.

You have jumped straight into Primark should develop online platform, how did you come to this decision.

You have recognised  some of the issues  in part but they require structuring.

Please follow the assignment brief:

First discuss what Primark is good at comparing to sector, and the create value for the customer (see assignment brief for example of model to apply).

Secondly compare and discuss what they are not doing which the other business in the sector are. Use retail model and GAP model to find out the gap.  Use this gap to develop your solution.

If Primark is to develop online system as you suggested should discuss which system should Primark deploy, centralised or decentralised system?

you should also research and analyse the cost for the new system.

Rich Picture should illustrate the problem customer face shopping in the store and the new solution shopping online.

It is not clear what you are stating in your Root Definition, it should be precise statement listing the changes in the context of XYZ. 

CATWOE is to test the Root Definition and your presentation does not relate to  the Rich Picture or the Root definition.

The course is Business Process and Systems and you have not included any Business Process Plans.

Part three should cover:

Work should include:

1.       This part should concentrate on the new solution only as discussed in part one and two.

2.       Analyse the resources required and costs for implementing the new process (“TO BE” Business Process Plan).

3.       Support your discussions with Performance Model, management of change etc.

Balanced Scorecard:

4.       Balanced Scorecard is to measure the post implementation performance for the new process only.

5.       Create Table for each prospective.

Under each table use the words to support your data, reference for the sources etc.

See the assignment brief, follow the tips.