Mini Literature Review Please create a mini literature review. The literature review should consist of a total of 5–7 articles related to your research topic. These articles should be the same articl

Literature Synthesis Matrix

List each article from your Annotated Bibliography. Break down information from each article, listing its author, source, and 1–2 sentences summarizing key points.



Key points

Bhattacharyya, S., Junot, M., & Clark, H.

 Bhattacharyya, S., Junot, M., & Clark, H. (2013). Can you hear us? Voices raised against standardized testing by novice teachers. Creative Education4(10), 633. Retrieved from

Standardized testing is not effective tool of assessing student intellect and performance rather it encourage cheating. The journal is resourceful in arguing against standardized testing.

Kinay, İ., & Ardiç, T.

 Kinay, İ., & Ardiç, T. (2017). Investigating Teacher Candidates' Beliefs about Standardized Testing. Universal Journal of Educational Research5(12), 2286-2293.Retrieved from DOI: 10.13189/ujer.2017.051219

Teacher attitude about standardized testing established a difference in attitude between genders and teacher field of education. This means there are teacher who really support standardized testing.

Shelton, S. A., & Brooks, T.

 Shelton, S. A., & Brooks, T. (2019). “We Need to Get These Scores Up": A Narrative Examination of the Challenges of Teaching Literature in the Age of Standardized Testing. Journal of Language and Literacy Education15(2), n2. Retrieved from

Standardized testing deprives student meaningful analyzes and joyous interaction. Teachers are demotivated due to the influx and influence of standardized testing.

Knoester, M., & Au, W.

 Knoester, M., & Au, W. (2017). Standardized testing and school segregation: like tinder for fire?. Race Ethnicity and Education20(1), 1-14. Retrieved from

Standardized testing continue to obstruct integration effort in united states hence hindering the effort of desegregation. Not effective when other factors such socio-economic impact student performance.

Setiawan, H., Garnier, K., & Isnaeni, W.

 Setiawan, H., Garnier, K., & Isnaeni, W. (2019, October). Rethinking standardized test of science education in Indonesian high school. In Journal of Physics: Conference Series (Vol. 1321, No. 3, p. 032078). IOP Publishing. Retrieved from doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1321/3/032078

Standardized testing resulted to more pupils being stressed than ever before Indonesia. Other factors such as infrastructure, political regime limits the applicability of the standardized testing.

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