Mini Literature Review Please create a mini literature review. The literature review should consist of a total of 5–7 articles related to your research topic. These articles should be the same articl

Annotated Bibliography: Standardize Testing

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Annotated Bibliography: Standardize Testing

Bhattacharyya, S., Junot, M., & Clark, H. (2013). Can you hear us? Voices raised against standardized testing by novice teachers. Creative Education4(10), 633. Retrieved from

Bhattacharyya et al. (2013) examine the effect of standardized testing on students' talents and knowledge. The issue with standardized testing is that it stifles the critical type of education for developing students' ability to think critically. The information in the article challenges the importance of standardized testing in determining student knowledge and teacher success. The study design incorporates ideas and voices from inexperienced teachers, which weaken the comprehensive literature evaluation. The purpose of this study is to collect opinions from inexperienced teachers regarding the impact of standardized testing on students' knowledge and abilities. The data collection approach is through collecting viewpoints, which is a type of qualitative research design. The author found that rather than improving student knowledge and performance, standardized testing encourages students to cheat. Although the publication is out of date, the writers have extensive expertise in the education industry, which means that the study is insightful in assessing the impact of standardized testing on student performance. The audience includes teachers, administrators, and stakeholders in the education sector. The journal can be used to argue against the use of standardized testing to improve student performance.

Kinay, İ., & Ardiç, T. (2017). Investigating Teacher Candidates' Beliefs about Standardized Testing. Universal Journal of Educational Research5(12), 2286-2293.Retrieved from DOI: 10.13189/ujer.2017.051219

Kinay & Ardiç, 2017) examine teachers' perceptions of standardized testing as students and teachers in education sectors use it. This study aims to assess prospective teachers' attitudes toward standardized testing using a variety of criteria. The journal's research questions include determining teachers' attitudes toward standardized testing and determining whether there are any meaningful differences in teacher candidate attitudes toward standardized testing by gender, the field of study, and grade level. The authors outline the variables such as male and female examined using standardized testing. The quantitative research approach is used in this study, with data obtained via survey from 442 randomly selected participants. The authors observed a significant disparity in the attitudes of prospective teachers about gender and field. Additionally, there is no statistically significant difference by grade variable. The target audience includes school administrators, teachers, and other players in the education sector. The article is current and produced by a scholar in the faculty of education, which means that it can support my research question about the impact of standardized testing on assessing student performance.

Shelton, S. A., & Brooks, T. (2019). “We Need to Get These Scores Up": A Narrative Examination of the Challenges of Teaching Literature in the Age of Standardized Testing. Journal of Language and Literacy Education15(2), n2. Retrieved from

Shelton and Brooks (2019) discuss the difficulties associated with teaching literature in an era of standardized testing. The purpose of this study is to determine the extent to which testing cultures have impacted the educational literature. Collecting expert comments and opinions undermined the literature review by introducing bias. The research method is qualitative in nature in that it solicits and analyzes opinions. According to the authors, teachers are demotivated due to the influx and influence of standardized testing. Additionally, pupils and teachers are deprived of meaningful analyses and joyous interaction with the text while standardized testing is applied. The journal is current, and the authors are educators who have earned degrees from colleges of education and are also high school instructors. The target audience includes school administrators, teachers, and other stakeholders in the education sector. As a result of the journal's credibility and reliability, it can be used to explain the impact of standardized testing on teachers and student performance.

Knoester, M., & Au, W. (2017). Standardized testing and school segregation: like tinder for fire?. Race Ethnicity and Education20(1), 1-14. Retrieved from

Knoester and Au (2017) investigate the effect of standardized testing on school segregation. The writers review the information and make an argument about segregation and its relationship to the standardization of testing. The goal of this study is to determine the extent to which standardized testing contributes to segregation. The study's theoretical approach is based on critical race theory to comprehend how racism operates, particularly within schools, by paying attention to resources and opportunities. This is an overview of the literature in support of qualitative research. According to the authors, Standardized testing will continue to obstruct integration efforts in the United States. Additionally, leaders cannot make high-stakes decisions by relying on segregation-promoting assessment techniques like standardized testing. The journal is current, and its authors are scholars attempting to communicate their message to education stakeholders such as school administrators, legislators, and instructors. The journal contains appropriate data that can be utilized to demonstrate the effect of standardized testing on student achievement. The author of this journal makes a connection between standardized testing and the promotion of segregation and the impediment to desegregation.

Setiawan, H., Garnier, K., & Isnaeni, W. (2019, October). Rethinking standardized test of science education in Indonesian high school. In Journal of Physics: Conference Series (Vol. 1321, No. 3, p. 032078). IOP Publishing. Retrieved from doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1321/3/032078

Setiawan et al. (2019) investigate the rethinking of Indonesian high school science standardized tests. The goal of this study was to weigh the advantages and disadvantages of standardized testing assessment of science in Indonesian high schools. The issue with standardized testing is that it has resulted in more pupils in high school being stressed than ever before in Indonesia. Due to political influence and infrastructural concerns, the literature evaluation has a limitation regarding the literature's applicability in Indonesian schools. Additional research is required to examine authentic assessment in Indonesia and to give empirical proof of the advantages to students. The current data are qualitatively examined and synthesized. The literature study investigates student-teacher relationships, and the assessment focuses on ways to improve assessment practices and the national education system. The authors concluded that while standardized testing encourages rote memory, it leaves students with less time to synthesize material or apply knowledge, which is a challenge in the twenty-first century. The journal is current and is written by educators. This journal's audience consists of stakeholders in the education system, such as politicians, administrators, and teachers. As a result, the journal's findings can be used to support my research question and construct an argument for standardized testing.


Bhattacharyya, S., Junot, M., & Clark, H. (2013). Can you hear us? Voices raised against standardized testing by novice teachers. Creative Education4(10), 633. Retrieved from

Kinay, İ., & Ardiç, T. (2017). Investigating Teacher Candidates' Beliefs about Standardized Testing. Universal Journal of Educational Research5(12), 2286-2293.Retrieved from DOI: 10.13189/ujer.2017.051219

Knoester, M., & Au, W. (2017). Standardized testing and school segregation: like tinder for fire?. Race Ethnicity and Education20(1), 1-14. Retrieved from

Setiawan, H., Garnier, K., & Isnaeni, W. (2019, October). Rethinking standardized test of science education in Indonesian high school. In Journal of Physics: Conference Series (Vol. 1321, No. 3, p. 032078). IOP Publishing. Retrieved from doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1321/3/032078

Shelton, S. A., & Brooks, T. (2019). “We Need to Get These Scores Up": A Narrative Examination of the Challenges of Teaching Literature in the Age of Standardized Testing. Journal of Language and Literacy Education15(2), n2. Retrieved from