answer the attached file

answer the attached file 1

answer the attached file 2

Reflect on the results and the number of planets it would take to sustain the population if everyone on earth lived as you do. Evaluate this lifestyle and what these results mean. Make connections between your results and the content covered in our weekly modules to this point. Start by reflecting on and responding to the following questions: consider it your results

  • Consider your average consumption patterns in the course of an average year of your life. Which areas or aspects of your life need the most improvement or are areas where you could make changes?

  • Which areas do you have more personal control over, and which are highly dependent on systems and structures that you are a part of?

  • What are personal and collective actions you could take to reduce your ecological and carbon footprints?

Connect your ideas back to the Drawdown Review and/or videos. You may also cite other examples from solutions you've learned about elsewhere.

All work reflected in the discussion should be in your own words. If you use other authors’ works you need to properly cite and reference the information including photos, drawings, graphics and/external links.