I Need a written assignment in advanced database management for the given questions in the word document

CS5600: Assignment 1 (25 pts.)

  1. The student data file contains the following attributes:

  • Id : Integer (2 bytes)

  • Name : Varchar(13) (13 bytes)

  • Gender : Boolean (1 bytes)

  • GPA : Double (16 bytes)

There are 1000 records in this data file. We want to store the data file in a hard drive with the

block(page) size = 512 bytes.

    1. How many blocks or pages that need for storing this data file in a hard drive? (2 pts.)

    2. If we store the data file in PostgreSQL, how many blocks or pages that need for the storing? (3 pts.)

(Note. Each record is a fixed length record.)

  1. What is the minimum number of hard drives for RAID 5, and why? (2 pts.)

  2. In bm production company, video editors work on a server that provides a ton of video clips. They can upload the video to the server anytime. If the company want to do RAID configuration. What is the RAID level you suggest and why? (3 pts.)

  3. Show the structure of the file of following figure after each of the following steps:

  • Insert (12335, Tim, Finance, 90000) (1 pts.)

  • Delete record 2 (3 pts.)

  • Insert (33598, James, History, 85000) (1 pts.)

I Need a written assignment in advanced database management for the given questions in the word document 1

  1. Show the buffer’s page allocation using the replacement policy: Least Recently Used-LRU

Where buffer size = 3 (5 pts.)

Program: 3 , 3 , 2 , 1 , 4 , 5, 3 , 2, 1 , 4

  1. Show the buffer’s page allocation using the replacement policy: Most Recently Used-MRU

Where buffer size = 3 (5 pts.)

Program: 1 , 3 , 4 , 1 , 2 , 5, 3 , 2, 4 , 1