Company name is StarBucks

Part 1 - Financial Statements Analysis (What)

The financial statements analysis is to analyze the overall financial performance of the company through financial ratios. Based on the company’s most recent annual financial statements, to calculate financial ratios for the current and prior fiscal year. Using your calculations to assess the company’s performance, and to explain the financial impact. Further, you can compare the financial ratios to industry benchmark or major competitors.

The financial status of the company to be considered in the following categories. Students to use the financial ratios discussed in Chapter 10. An example of Financial Statements analysis for High Liner

Foods is included

• _Liquidity considerations

• _Solvency concerns

• _Profitability assessments

Locate and use the public company annual financial statements: (in case the company’s fiscal year end is September 30th, the group can use prior year annual financial statements.)

• _Companies lists their annual report and the annual financial statements under their website in the Investors/Financial Information section.

• _Comparing to the quarterly financial statements, the annual financial statements contain more detailed information and provide a full picture of the company’s financial health.

• _Management Discussion and Analysis (MD&A) contains further discussion through the eyes of management, on how the company has performed in the past, and its prospects.

• _US public companies also listed their financial statements under

• _Canadian companies are listed