See the attachment down below !!

Patient Centered Medical Home (PCMH) Assignment

In the medical profession it is very important that we assist with facilitating efficient and effective medical care to patients. Medical practices following the PCMH model are very instrumental in the overall quality of service delivered in patient care.

This assignment requires a two-page typed double spaced document outlining the following elements:

    1. Define the purpose of PCMH.

    2. What does NCQA stand for, and what is the relationship with PCMH.

    3. What is the eligibility process to become a PCMH?

    4. What are the 6 standards/concepts of PCMH?

  • Select one of those standards and summarize its requirements

E. What are the point levels for medical practice/organization to be recognized and/or have certification.

**Remember to reference your sources from which you

obtained your information**



9-10 points

Very Good

7-8 points


5-6 points

Needs Improvement

3-4 points

Not Acceptable

0-2 points


Paper and paragraphs are organized.

All elements were covered

Paper and paragraphs are mostly organized. Missing 1 element.

Paper and paragraphs are organized without too much confusion.

Missing 2 elements.

Paragraph structure is correct, sentences does not make


Missing more than 2 elements.

Writing lacks structure or direction to the topic being discussed.

No elements were written.


Correct usage of spelling, capitalization, and paragraph structure.

Minor errors

of spelling, capitalization, and paragraph structure, but can understand the topic being discussed.

Grammatical errors with run on sentence structure.

Multiple grammar errors are distracting away from the topic.

No effort to correct grammar errors, which impairs readability.

Grading: 19pts-20pts = A 17pts -18pts = A- 14pts-16pts = B 11pts-13pts = B- 10pts-12pts = C 7pts-9pts = C - 0pts-6ts= Failed