Hi, we had done a group project and I had attached the report in the files. Now our professor wants to write a reflection paper. The instructions are following I had also attached a sample paper of my

Running Head: Team Reflections Journal Summary

Assignment 5: Team Reflections Journal Summary – Individual Assignment

Rishabh Nayyar


BUSI 1073 – Business Writing and Communications

Wallace Chan

Yorkville University

New Westminster Campus

June 20, 2021

The characteristics and talents that enable you to work successfully with others during talks, projects, conferences, and other interactions are known as teamwork skills. The capacity to communicate effectively, listen attentively, and be accountable and ethical are all required for effective teamwork. There is a plethora of additional soft skills that can help you flourish as a team player in both academic and professional circumstances. After taking this course, I've learnt a lot about cooperation, including how vital it is to work well with others in a team. We must engage in a concise and effective manner. It is critical to convey pertinent views, insights, and vital knowledge while collaborating with each other. I've acquired a variety of interaction techniques, both verbal and nonverbal. A team may have new and original ideas with good collaboration, and we can acquire more when operating in a team Furthermore, as a leader, I have learnt how to lead and supervise a group by providing appropriate feedback to my team members and assisting them whenever they encounter difficulties.

As per our team, time management worked smoothly because everyone completed their tasks on schedule and with few errors. Aside from that, each person in the group does their fair share of the job and knows exactly what their tasks are and how they fit into the overall operation of the company. We have a strong sense of belonging to the team, are dedicated to our job, and genuinely care about the team project. Our team could have done a lot more in terms of quality of work, and I believe that each team member has the potential to do so, but I am still grateful to my team for completing the project in such a professional manner.

Effective decision-making and conflict resolution were two of our team's greatest achievements. Effective decision-making is critical to a team's success; generally, problem-solving groups should also have the control and privilege to put solutions into action. They must understand numerous decision-making processes, their benefits and drawbacks, as well as when and how to apply them. We make the correct decision at the appropriate moment as a team, which saves us time and makes our job more effective. The most challenging issue our team has to deal with is that not everyone is going in the same direction. When team members fail to meet the criteria of assignments, other team members are compelled to fulfill those needs. However, by the end of the course, we had managed to solve this difficulty by giving them with clear and thorough instructions regarding the assignment.  I believe I am a more successful communicator now that I have gained many new communication skills such as active listening, asking and providing feedback, nonverbal communication, and many more. In addition, I learned how to actively participate in a conversation while discussing and presenting my viewpoints in a sympathetic manner. Aside from that, this course has pushed me out of my comfort zone, which will benefit me in the future. Apart from that, we learned how to write empathetic emails, which I believe we really enhanced. Furthermore, I always stay positive and calm and was always aware about the work we have to do every week. As a member of the team, I was always confident about me and my team. In addition, I was also able to do multitask and be creative in making and presenting our group presentation

To conclude, I would like to say that I have acquired several skills and abilities after operating in this group project and I had experienced that these skills were beneficial to us in our professional career. Teamwork helps us in finding and boosting our creativity and helps in making good relations among team members as it helps in accomplishing tasks.